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Another System Upgrade!

This evening, I upgraded my website with the latest (0.712) version of PostNuke. Some pretty big changes, as you can see… The old theme (Maroon) that I was using as the default theme for this site no longer functioned with the new version, so it had to be taken offline […]

What the HECK was Drew thinking?!

Expecting it to be No Big Thing, Drew decided to a> triple the storage, b> double the memory, and c> completely re-format the webserver using Red Hat 7.2 instead of Linux-Mandrake during the weekend of April 6, 2002 (while Wendy was away on a riding trip). I expected to be […]

Another CMS upgrade

This morning, I upgraded PostNuke, our Content Management System (CMS), to the latest version (0.713). I’d been running a pre-release version of this release for some time so there were very few changes from that version to the release version. Please let me know if you spot any problems with […]

Our look is changing…

You’re probably noticing that our look has changed a bit… This is in an effort to find a currently-supported theme, customize it to this site, and then continue to use it. It looks kinda bad right now, I know… I’ll be working on the colors and layout this evening. I […]

HAPPY MOUTH — April 2002

On Wednesday, April 10, 2002, the HAPPY MOUTH SUPPER CLUB met again for dinner and socializing. In attendance were Ted, Tracy, John, Ed, Holly, Wendy, and Andrew. The choice of destination was Ed’s tonight, and he selected a landmark Italian restaurant in downtown Cincinnati… Scotti’s. Scotti’s is a great little […]

PREVIEW of Official PostNuke Installation and Getting Started Guide AVAILABLE!

EDIT: I am no longer associated with PostNuke. This file has been removed from my sites. A PREVIEW version (currently PDF format ONLY) of the Official PostNuke Installation and Getting Started Guide is available on my website. The FINAL version will be released on my website, and also included in […]
Read more » PREVIEW of Official PostNuke Installation and Getting Started Guide AVAILABLE!

New Book Available!

The husband of a friend of ours just published his first book. His name is Keith Vanden Enden. Here is his announcement about this achievement, and how to order his book. After years of work, my first novel, Let Us Divided Live, is finally available. Part psychological drama and part […]

More Mr. Face…

Mr. Face rapidly progresses. He is master of the upstairs, free from all restraints and closed doors. Blind, as always (anybody got a spare cat retina?), he knows where his food and litterbox are, where the scratching post is, and most importantly, where the bed is. He is quite the […]

As we dine…

Wendy and I continue to enjoy the many different types of restaurants around us, north of the city. We were talking last night and realized that a few of our favorites are no more than 5 miles away from where we live. Those favorites are pretty varied… From the Spaghetti […]

SMACK IT — Third Season!

SMACK IT CINCINNATI will again be assaulting your airwaves during the summer of 2002. Starting in June, listeners can tune into WAIF 88.3 FM on Wednesday mornings from 9-11 am to hear the wild antics of SMACK IT CINCINNATI. Also, you’ll be able to listen to the show over the […]

Updates & Additions on DrewVogel.COM

Today, I updated one & added several features to the site. The upgrades are all part of the "i-Releases" series, and are available from The "Who Is Online" block, to the left, was updated from version 2.2 to version 2.5. I added several other features, a couple of which […]

Today's Upgrade

Today, I upgraded PostNuke on this site to version 0.714. It went pretty smoothly, but there was an error in one function that made much of the site inaccessible for several hours today. That you are reading this indicates that the problem was fixed. Thanks to ByronM & Gregor, the […]

Psychic night for Mr. Face

Tonight Mr. Face met Donetta the animal psychic. She came to our horse barn for a demonstration and everyone thought he’d be a great candidate for a reading. Donetta is a very cool lady who has been listenening to animals since she was a child. She likes to touch the […]

Bloggar Interface

This program sits on my Windows desktop and provides a GUI in which I can easily add, manipulate, and edit articles that exist on this site. There are many nice features of Bloggar (and bloggers in general), not the least of which is the easy-to-use drag-n-drop GUI interface that allows […]

Grand Theft Auto III for the PC

Grand Theft Auto III (from Rockstar Games) arrived today. Anxious to go vent my frustrations on the citizens of Liberty City! LIBERTY CITY, USA. WELCOME TO AMERICA’S WORST CITY. You’ve been betrayed and left for dead. Now you’re taking revenge, unless the city gets you first. Mob bosses need a […]

Hot Time at the Old Barn Tonight!

Tonight, Wendy and I attended a ceili — an Irish dance, sort of like a square dance. The barn where Wendy keeps her horse hosts this event twice a year, and it is a lot of fun. Our brave friends John & Jay joined us for the dance, and they […]


Wendy & I hosted our first-ever HIGH END APPETIZER & DESSERT PARTY on Saturday, May 25, 2002. We asked each couple to bring ONE high-end appetizer, ONE high-end dessert, and ONE bottle of wine; all to share with everyone else. Wendy and I made: Foie Gras two ways: Seared with […]

My Brother Is In Town!

My brother Josh is in Cincinnati from California. He and his girlfirend, Gayle, are visiting since last Wednesday. After their visit here, they will be going on to New York to visit Gayle’s sister, Phoebe, before Josh & Gayle fly back to California. It’s been great to see Josh and […]

Bug with Blogger System Causes Hangs

It seems that I discovered a bug with the Blogger interface on PostNuke. When Blogger entries are posted, the Title of the article is the time and date of the posting. However, it seems that if the Title is edited that there is a chance that the information will be […]