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Welcome Achilles!

In the late days of February 2011, the lack of a cat, specifically a Siamese cat, weighed on Wendy and me enough that Wendy started casting about for a Siamese. Not to take the place of Akhenaten, which can never happen, but to bring their special energy back to our […]

Andrew Vogel, CCC

I passed my American Culinary Federation Certified Chef de Cuisine (CCC) examination in an intense 3-hour practical examination today (after previously completing a paper exam and three 8-hour refresher courses)! Tonight, Wendy and I celebrate! (And today is Achilles’ 3rd birthday, so happy birthday to the rat-bat-bunny-cat!) Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]

Persistence Pays Off

Thank you all for being such a persistent bunch! Several of you asked for more information about the examination I took last Saturday, my menu, and some particulars. I am flattered by the interest. Here you go… My menu: Sauce Veloute (Chicken Stock) Sauce Espagnole (Brown Beef Stock) Consommé Brunoise […]


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Recently, The Iron Horse Inn started offering Sunday brunch, from 10a-3p (reservations encouraged but not required). Wendy and I stopped by last Sunday and really enjoyed the selections from Chef Jackson Rouse and crew. They have a varied brunch menu, including a quiche of the day (last time, it was […]

Android Must-Have Apps

Not too long ago, I switched from my beloved HTC Touch Pro 2 (which runs Windows Mobile) device to a Motorola Droid X (which runs Android) device. I never thought I’d give up my Touch Pro 2, but after a very short adjustment phase, I now adore my Droid X […]

Happy Mouth–August 2011

Hard to believe that summer has slipped by. It’s been head-down, busy around here. I apologize for the lack of updates. Expect a larger update soon. On Wednesday August 31, the Happy Mouth Supper Club met at Green Papaya in Hyde Park for dinner. It was Holly’s selection, and she […]

Happy Mouth — September 2011

On Friday, September 23, a group of us met for the monthly Happy Mouth Supper Club outing. It was Wendy’s month to select, and she chose MERITAGE (which rhymes with “heritage”), a new restaurant that has opened in Glendale. It was a great selection, and we (Ted, Tracy, Carrie, Ron, Terry, Julie, […]

Pick Your Kindle — handy flowchart for selecting your next Kindle

Check out the flowchart here: After a quick glance through the chart, my answer is simple… I want a 3G/WiFi FIRE with a phone and a camera. Oh wait. That doesn’t exist. Yet (you & I both know it’s coming, though). I’ll wait for that, methinks. Actually, before I […]
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Visiting Cincinnati

I’ve lived in and around Cincinnati Ohio for most of my life. I was born on the west side of the city, moved back to the east side where I spent my childhood, rehabbed a house in northern Kentucky (just over the river from downtown Cincinnati) as a young adult, […]

Happy Mouth Schedule

Here is the schedule for who gets to pick when for the Happy Mouth Supper Club Monthly Indulgence. Updated October 27, 2011. January: Angel Z. (was Kristy) February: Carrie & Ron G. (was Dave & Robin (was Wendy B)) March: Tracy S. April: Jay B. May: Kristy R. June: open? July: […]

Wireless Router Problem fixed

FINALLY fixed a network problem that was plaguing us… Whenever Wendy’s computer and my computer were on at the same time, our internet connection would bounce up and down and become highly unreliable. After scratching my head about it for a while, I moved all our wired connections from the […]

RIP: Remus, kitten

This morning, we mourn the passing of sweet little kitten Remus. At just 6 weeks old, he spent two of his last three days on this planet stuck in asphalt. Two guys found him and brought him to Wendy’s hospital, where he was worked on by hospital staff to try […]


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