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3/11/2009 Wine Dinner at Midwest Culinary Institute

Hosted by Greg Graziano, owner and winemaker of Granziano Winery, Mendocino, California. Amuse Gueule Trout Roe, salsify, Meyer lemon & tarragon Chenin Blanc Rock Shrimp, avocado, jicama, scallion & yuzu Dolcetto Rosato “Paella” Pinot Noir Roasted Squab, mole, parsnip, white beans & red onion Zinfandel Veal Shank, Brussels Sprouts, orzo, […]
Read more » 3/11/2009 Wine Dinner at Midwest Culinary Institute

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things On Your To-Do List

From this site comes this week’s Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things On Your To-Do List. In no particular order, mine are (this doesn’t include work-related stuff): Plan and cost-out a menu for a friend Drop off this non-disclosure agreement and check out the facility Reinvigorate two web projects (I’m looking […]

My April Fool Gag at my Office

When the agenda for our staff meeting included the entry, “Happy April Fool’s Day!” as item one, an idea occured to me. When the meeting started with the meeting host saying, “It’s April Fool’s Day, everyone!”, I said, “To celebrate April Fool’s Day, I brought bagels for everyone. They’re upstairs.” […]

FOOD.COM enters open beta

(thanks to Lifehacker for the screenshot) Now it can be told… After a long period of closed beta, FOOD.COM, an exciting online recipe aggregator and search application can finally be discussed as it enters open beta. This web application — which can retrieve recipes from, Food & Wine, Epicurious, […]


My recent submission to TEXTS FROM LAST NIGHT, from a conversation I had about boarding our dogs for the Flying Pig weekend… (513) Our dogs will spend the weekend in the kennel, barking and shitting on themselves. (713) God, I need a weekend like that. (513) ???! Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]

Wendy finishes the Flying Pig!

Way to go, Wendy! Thanks to training and support from our friends (and Wendy’s running buddies) Donnie and Ron (and Jeff!), Wendy was able to finish the Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon — all 26.2 miles of the darned thing — on Sunday, May 3, 2009. It was Wendy’s first marathon. […]


Be aware that there is a news conference on Friday morning at 10:30am, in time for the announcements to hit the noon news in Cincinnati. The speculation is fun to read — just like popular fiction. Cannot wait for the news at noon on Friday. Will probably watch it on […]

Memorial Day

I hope everyone has an enjoyable Memorial Day weekend. This unofficial start of summer is something I look forward to every year, and am pleased when it sneaks up on me unexpectedly, like it did this year. As a result, my Monday is relatively free & open. At this moment, […]

Memorial Day Dinner

At the end of a long holiday weekend, I cooked at home for Wendy & myself. On the way home from an enjoyable Civil War Walk through Spring Grove Cemetery (we arrived late and did not hear Abraham Lincoln speak), we stopped and picked up some food to prepare at home. […]