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Over the Rhine Tickets on Sale 11-10-01!

Tickets to the annual Over The Rhine Christmas show go on sale Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 10:00am on TicketMaster. The annual Christmas show takes place at the Taft Theatre in Cincinnati, and represents a ‘homecoming’ of sorts for this Cincinnati-based band and their fans. This year’s show will be […]

Some Site Updates

This evening, I updated the site with a new version (1.8.3) of Andromeda, the MP3-jukebox. If you haven’t yet check out Andromeda on this site, you really should take a moment to explore Andromeda. It’s very feature-rich, and ours is a particularly nice implementation (if I do say so myself!). […]


Linford and Karin holding the Tribute CD during their visit to our radio program. An update on WHAT IT TAKES TO PLEASE YOU, the tribute to Over The Rhine is in order. It’s been some time since we slid past our projected release date of August 31, 2001. Our current […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone has a very nice Thanksgiving! If you’re traveling, be careful. Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]

Another system upgrade, this one easier…

Another system upgrade caused me to reboot the system today, after 12+ days of uptime. I upgraded the Apache server, the kernel (the core of the operating system), the mail handler and assorted tools, the mail reader, some modules for the new Apache, and a few security fixes to some […]

OTR Concert at Taft Theatre, December 8, 2001

I like the Green Yellow Swallowtail song more and more. At the SouthGate House show (in September) it seemed very eerie because they had cut their backroads tour short within a week or two because Karin’s mother had a stroke. The line something like “mother’s not dead she is only […]
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What a weekend!

What a great weekend we had here in Cincinnati! This was the weekend of the annual Over The Rhine Christmas show at the Taft Theatre, and there were many festivities that went along with the show. There are Reviews of the show in Reviews and pictures in the Photo Gallery. […]

Some behind-the-scenes changes…

In anticipation of upgrading to the newest release (0.701) of PostNuke, our Content Management System, I have made some behind-the-scenes changes to the way that the Main Menu works. Users should notice no functional differences, and will see that there is a new option, Who Is Online, for you to […]

OTR Taft Show & Lostee Gathering

I didn’t know whether to do this or not…but what the heck…my thoughts on this past weekend (now that I have a moment to catch my breath). I must say first of all that, despite how excited I was to do the weekend, I was more than a wee bit […]

No Upgrade (Yet)!

I’ve decided to wait to upgrade this system to the latest release of Post-Nuke. The most recent release has not been very smooth, so we will not upgrade this site until some of the rough spots are smoothed out. It is my expectation that installation of the new release will […]

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I want to wish all the users and visitors to DrewVogel.COM a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. This has been a big year for me, and I appreciate all the friendships that give me the energy to move forward. I sincerely hope that 2002 is the best […]

How were the holidays for everyone?

How were everyone’s holidays? Mine were fantastic… We spent a lot of time with our families and had a great time. On Christmas Eve, we were at my parent’s house for dinner and fellowship. Then, Christmas Day, we were with Wendy’s parents at their house with the extended family. Squeezed […]

Happy New Year!

Hapy New Year to all the users of and visitors to DrewVogel.COM! I hope that 2002 is the best year yet! Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]

Netscape Navigator Users — Fixed!

A problem existed on this system for Netscape Navigator users… Many times, users of Netscape Navigator would not be able to display pages on this site due to a difference in the way that Navigator handles the cascading style sheets for the themes on DrewVogel.COM. Today, I fixed at least […]

Big day for Wendy…

Today was a pretty big day for Wendy. She’s been complaining about her computer being slow — which it was. So, we talked about it and ended up buying her a PowerSpec 8250 computer — a Pentium 4 with a load of hard drive and memory. It’s a nice change […]

Over The Rhine Tribute CD — What It Takes To Please You — ARRIVES!

This project could have been a lunchbox. Or a wax museum. Or sets of limited-edition Grenada-issued commemorative stamps. Linford and Karin holding the Tribute CD during their visit to our radio program. Back in October of 1997, a fan named Joel Smith had jokingly proposed the suggestions above (among others) […]
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Tribute CD — ALL Orders Shipped!

"WHAT IT TAKES TO PLEASE YOU", a Tribute to Over the Rhine, has been released. Thanks to the hard work of Drew Vogel and … well, JUST Drew Vogel, ALL orders placed prior to 11-Jan-02 at 9:30am for the Tribute CD have been shipped. Every single one. The first copies […]

System Weirdness

The last couple of days, the system has been experiencing some downtime due to a problem with my ADSL modem. I apologize for any inconvenience. Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]

Corian installation at Vogel Mansion

We just had Corian installed at Chez Vogel, and it is awesome. Heck, even the installation is pretty amazing! Check out some pictures by going to this page. Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]

Major System UPGRADE!

The system was down much of today for a MAJOR upgrade. I’ve transferred the server to a bigger, faster box and installed Linux Mandrake 8.1 PowerPack and more than doubled the system’s storage. It didn’t go without hitches, but it’s back up and running! As always, please let me know […]