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This is a review of the April 5, 1996 concert given by OCTOBER PROJECT at Bogarts in Cincinnati Ohio. LONG (and how!) There is a secret. Not a secret like in The Crying Game, and not a secret like why we have to pay taxes, but an important and wonderful […]
  CRAZY RED ITALIAN’S RACING BEAT COLD AIR INTAKE SYSTEM   Last updated: 05-August-98 WHAT IS THIS THING? The Racing Beat Cold Air Intake (CAI) system as offered by Crazy Red Italian is an affordable performance modification for the Mazda Miata. The package comes in two versions, one for […]
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 13:50:14 -0400 (note: Just got this from another mailing list I am on for another band. Sound familiar?) Thursday, September 2, 1999 Hello again, I know it’s been a while since we’ve spoken, and in some way it is my fault. But it is mostly […]
  Revised: 03-October-99 Douglas Coupland, born December 30, 1961 in West Germany, is the author of several books: Generation X, Shampoo Planet, Life After God, Microserfs, and most recently, Postcards from the Dead. Coupland’s work is the voice of a generation. His views and ideas represent those being felt […]
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The website for the Over The Rhine Tribute CD, “What It Takes To Please You”, is at Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]
Hey all you Over The Rhine Tribute CD players and pals! We’ve been busy with the Tribute CD project. If you haven’t heard, the official name of the project is “What It Takes To Please You — A Tribute To Over The Rhine”. The website, the best source of up-to-date […]
Hey all you Over The Rhine Tribute CD players and pals! This message was originally sent to my distribution list of Tribute CD folks. If you didn’t get it then, I DO NOT have a current email address for you. You need to get that information to me ASAP! If […]
It’s been quiet as far as you know, but behind the scenes, things have been moving forward on the Tribute CD project. Check the website,, for the most current, up-to-date information on the project. The artwork is basically done. Linford saw the art for the CD booklet, promo mailer, […]
SMACK IT CINCINNATI, the widly-popular radio show featuring Bruce Lachey and Drew Vogel, continues assaulting Cincinnati’s airwaves this summer. Tune in Wednesday mornings, from 9:00am-10:00am on WAIF 88.3FM. For more information about SMACK IT CINCINNATI, be sure to check out the homepage for the show. There, you’ll find information about […]
This news site has been created using the exceptional PHP-Nuke news database system. Check it out — there are a lot of great features in this software. Stay tuned as we develop more and more content! Some features: Full automated news system without the need for HTML editing Graphical Administration […]
“WHAT IT TAKES TO PLEASE YOU”, the Over the Rhine Tribute CD project, is in its final phase.We’ve secured a printer for the project and will be working during the next few weeks to get things finalized and prepare for sale of these CDs. Check the website for more information. […]
Tune in to SMACK IT CINCINNATI on Wednesday, June 27, 2001 from 9:00am-10:00am for the return of Bruce to the show! Check the SMACK IT CINCINNATI website at Also with us in the studio will be the guys from the local band Crosley. Check out their website at […]
Hello Tribute CD Players and Pals! This message was originally sent to my distribution list of Tribute CD folks. If you didn’t get it, then I DO NOT have a current email address for you. You need to get that information to me ASAP! If you haven’t heard, the official […]
OUR EXPERIENCE WITH LASER VISION CORRECTION Last updated: June 28, 2001 On Wednesday, May 9, 2001, Wendy and I had appointments at LASIKplus Vision Center in the Kenwood area of Cincinnati, Ohio for evaluation of our candidacy for LASIK (Laser in-situ Keratomileusis) treatment. LASIK is an elective surgery that can […]
Just so you know: I will be out on vacation from July 6-16, 2001. No updates or replies to emails during that time. Hang in there; I’ll get caught up when I get back! Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]
I’m back from vacation! Expect some more development on this site, and perhaps even something new (think ‘new site’), now that my Linux box is online at home. Special thanks to Civilme from Mandrake and Garrett from Pengiun Computing for their help on getting the Linux box online. Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]
This system is now running off my home machine. It wasn’t too big a job to get it going, but I’m certain that there are still some bugs to work out before it’s 100%. Please bear with me! This site is running off one of my home machines, a hardened […]
I have just installed version 5.01 of PHP-Nuke. This version fixes some small bugs, and speeds up the sending of pages. Additionally, I have enabled output compression (using GZIP/zlib) on the server side, which should eek a little more speed out of transfers as well, especially on repeated page-views. Please […]
We’ve connected to a couple of news sites (currently Digital Theatre, SlashDot, and FreshMeat) to provide additional content in the form of headlines for the site. Look to the right side-menu to see headlines from these sources, which are updated every 30 minutes (Digital Theatre updated every hour). Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]