HAPPY MOUTH — September 2002

HAPPY MOUTH — September 2002

The September meeting of the Happy Mouth Supper Club was on Thursday, September 12, 2002. It was Wendy’s month to pick, and we dined at an Indian restaurant called Taj Mahal in Forest Park.

September update for Mr. Face

September update for Mr. Face

This article was written by Wendy. Mr. Face thrives… He is master of the second floor, and though he proves he can go UP stairs (if you take him down a few and place him there), he has no interest whatsoever in going DOWN stairs……

System Wonkyness

System Wonkyness

This website experienced some downtime (inaccessibility, really) over the past weekend. Apparently, my DSL provider was working on their network and that caused some downtime for us. I apologize for any inconvenience, and hopefully everything is squared away now.

Everything you ever wanted to know about members of HAPPY MOUTH!

Everything you ever wanted to know about members of HAPPY MOUTH!

You’ve wanted to know, so we found out. We polled several of the members of THE HAPPY MOUTH SUPPER CLUB to find out their preferences on several very important issues so that you could get to know them a bit better. Their answers are below.…

What It Takes To Please You — The Over The Rhine Tribute CD Project

What It Takes To Please You — The Over The Rhine Tribute CD Project

        What It Takes To Please You The Over The Rhine Tribute CD Project Last update: August 7, 2003 (click for larger image) Information about the project: Flash Intro History Merchandise Cincinnati Community Shares ORDER PAGE!   SIDELIGHT: The Tribute CD was…

5 Star Dinner at The Maisonette, October 2, 2002

5 Star Dinner at The Maisonette, October 2, 2002

On Wednesday, October 2, 2002, Wendy and I had the pleasure of dining at The Maisonette, Cincinnati’s 5-star restaurant and the recipient of Mobil Travel Guide’s 5-Star Award for the past 38 consecutive years (longer than any other restaurant in the world).     Our…