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On Thursday, January 31, 2002, a group of six of us (Holly, Ed, Ted, Tracy, Wendy, and myself) met for the first monthly meeting of the as-yet-unnamed Supper Club… A group of friends who get together to socialize over great food. We ate at The Maisonette to take advantage of […]
On Tuesday, January 29 2002, there was an article about WHAT IT TAKES TO PLEASE YOU, a tribute to Over The Rhine, in the Cincinnati Enquirer. You can read the article here and see the project’s pages here. There is a PDF version of the article here. Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]
This is big. I just upgraded my system software (the […]
Just wanted to let everyone know that I will be interviewed on KINDRED SANCTIONS, a Cincinnati-based radio program that airs on WAIF 88.3 FM, on Thursday, February 7, 2002. The subject of the interview will be WHAT IT TAKES TO PLEASE YOU, a tribute to Over The Rhine. The show […]
Today, I updated to the newest version (1.91) of Andromeda, our MP3 Jukebox program for registered users. This new version features the following additions: Play everything in a folder including its subfolders (recursive folder playback) Add folders to the playlist Playlist buttons replaced by icons for narrow-window support Chinese (Simplified […]
Tonight, I performed a comprehensive system backup of this machine. Essentially a ‘snapshot’ of everything on this machine, I’m in the position of being able to completely restore the machine to today’s state in the case of a catastrophic loss. It’s rather a long process, but thankfully, an automated one, […]
On Thursday, February 14, 2002, there was an article about WHAT IT TAKES TO PLEASE YOU, a tribute to Over The Rhine, in CityBeat. You can read the article here and see the project’s pages here. There is a PDF version of the article here. Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]
Last night, Wendy was planning to leave Mr. Face at the her veterinary hospital instead of bringing him home (she typically takes him in with her in the morning (he’s fed, watered, held, & cared for all day) and brings him home in the evening). But, because she was planning […]
Okay, this Linux stuff is kinda flakey. I’m trying to get XWindows (running Ximian GNOME) working when I log in as ROOT, but it doesn’t. It works fine if I log in as another user on the machine, but not as root. Also, my ZIP drive has never worked since […]
This evening, I installed PHP Accelerator 1.2p3 to the system which results in MUCH faster page serving from this site. Some results of testing the front page are below. 25 Hits of BEFORE 1.22 sec/page 49.23 pages/min AFTER 0.60 sec/page 100.33 pages/min As you can see, this small addition […]
Added a CD burner to this system today. This will simplify backups. Little trouble getting it configured under Linux. If anyone out there is a Linux Guru (or can help get this burner working), please let me know. Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]
Last updated: 23-February-2002 I am in no way affiliated with, nor a representative of, nor employed by: Disney, ABC, NBC, HBO, CBS, PBS, E! Entertainment Television, MTV, CNN, TNT, NPR, G&R, Speilberg, R.E.M., Amblin, CBM, EIB network, IBM, Apple, Apple Macintosh, Archimedes, CalTech, CalPoly, the UK, the CIA, the FBI, […]
Yesterday, an article in the Cincinnati Post mentioned the Tribute CD. You can read the article here. Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]
Time for another Mr. Face update! He’s starting to get some strength back, which is a good thing. Also, he meows when he hears cans of cat food being opened. Very cute. Still blind as far as we can tell. We’re expecting that he’ll be blind forever. The blood has […]
Work continues inside his little brain as he slowly rejoins the land of the living. This morning Drew went in to feed him his morning can of A/D (the highlight of both their days), and found Mr. Face sitting happily OUTSIDE the playpen. We wondered if somehow we had forgotten […]
For all you folks who are reading about our cats and looking at our renovation and Corian and windows and such; this is why I am never having a baby. I see it now… the photo gallery. "Here’s Wendy’s cervix dilated to 6 cm…." Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]
This evening, the system was offline for about 65 minutes while I verified a comprehensive backup (using Mondo/Mindi, an excellent backup utility) that I’d made of the system. Fortunately, this is a ‘baseline’ backup, so any future downtime will not be so long, since I can back up (and verify) […]
On Wednesday, March 20, 2002, the Supper Club met again. This time, we went to BOCA (another review here). Be aware that the restaurant was rather recently bought by a new chef, David Falk. Many of the reviews and websites you might find are from the old restaurant’s previous owner, […]
On Thursday, March 21, 2002, Wendy took out the wire that was holding Mr. Face’s broken lower jaw together to allow it to heal. Wendy reported that the wire wasn’t doing much, since it was put in when his jaw was terribly swollen. When the swelling went down, the wire […]
Today, I upgraded the PHP-Accelerator to version 1.2p4. This new version features more security, better crash detection & recovery, and some bug fixes. DrewVogel.COM can now serve approximately 100.33 pages per minute, 6,019.83 pages per hour, 144,475.82 pages per day, and 4,334,274.51 pages per month! Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]