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As some of you might have noticed, DrewVogel.COM was unavailable for several hours (from 3:30pm-11:30pm) on Monday, September 10, 2001. This was due to a power outage at the server location. Sorry for the downtime, folks. The bright side of all this, if there is a bright side, is that […]
On 05-September-2001, I added an internal ATAPI ZIP drive to the system. Users won’t notice this addition too much, since it is used mainly for system backups. I also wrote a script that automagically backs up the entire system, including dumping the tables, to the ZIP drive. Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]
I am sure you are all aware of the horrific attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. The entire team at would like to send our sincere condolences to the families of those who perished in these attacks. May you be spared any […]
This is a ‘heads up’ for users of DrewVogel.COM… We will be moving sometime during the month of October to our new house (see the Photo Gallery for more information!). During that time, there will be some downtime for this system as the new lines are run, the server is […]
The system was unexpectedly down for most of the week of 18-September-2001. As it turns out that my service provider was being cautious with the Nimda Worm that’s been taking the country (world?) by storm. Sorry for any trouble it might have caused. All is right now, and I took […]
Testing… 1… 2… 3… Is this thing on? After almost two freekin’ weeks of being offline, DrewVogel.COM is finally back online! ZoomTown, my ISP, took their sweet time in protecting themselves against the Nimda Worm… Can’t say I blame them for taking precautions, but Sweet Christ… TWO WEEKS? We’re back […]
Wendy and I closed on our house today! We’re now officially HOMEOWNERS. We’ll be moving sometime during the month of October, once we get some painting, carpeting, flooring, and all that done. There will be some system downtime as we transition the server from one location to another, but I […]
Cincinnati’s CityBeat magazine recently did a review of our production of WORKING. The full text of the review, including the specific mention of Drew and Wendy, can be found at WORKING runs concludes its run this weekend, with two shows: One on Friday, September 28 and closing on Saturday, […]
The system will be inaccessible sometime later this week… Probably Friday October 5, 2001, and possibly Thursday October 4 as well. This downtime will allow us to move the physical server from the old location to the new location, get it set up, configured, and back up and running. We […]
If you’re reading this, then DrewVogel.COM is back online after the physical server move! Things should all be working just fine, but if you notice anything strange, let me know. Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]
I’ve re-done part of the system… Check out the Right-Side menu, scroll down and down to see headlines from Blue’s News and Digital Theatre. These replace some other headline sites that were of lesser interest. Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]
Recently added, Andromeda (from the Other Options under the Main Menu bar on the side of the screen) is an MP3 jukebox. I’ve got some of my favorite local and regional artists in there — take a listen if you wish, and support these artists if you can! Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]
I added a bunch of new themes to the system today. Registered users can use themes once they’re logged into the system to modify the way the system looks to them. We’ve got about 25 themes to choose from here on DrewVogel.COM! To access them, select Your Account from the […]
Since the price of memory is so cheap, I added 256 more megs to my development machine, giving it a total of 512 megs of memory. This machine (running the server) doesn’t need any more memory, but I may throw 256 more megs into it. Eventually, the server system will […]
There is a new poll on the site! Vote early, and often! Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]
Andromeda is now active on this site. From the Other Options menu, select Andromeda to be taken to this customized MP3 jukebox. Once in this area of the site, you will find many local and regional artists represented. Please check out their music, and support them if you like what […]
Some major changes have taken place behind the scenes here at DrewVogel.COM. We’ve migrated the system from PHP-Nuke to PostNuke. There might be some small problems here and there, but for the most part, the system is running really well. If you spot anything strange, please let me know! Why […]
I wanted to take a few moments to update you on what’s going on in my life. We’ve moved into our new house and, on Sunday October 28, turned the keys to the condo back in to the management office — we’re totally in the new house and no longer […]
I thought I would upgrade the system software today using the tools that were provided by my software manufacturer. Using their tools, I logged into the update site, downloaded about 20 megs of updates (after several false starts because the update system was busy), and applied them. The updates applied […]
Another look at what’s going on in Drew’s life… Some new projects and more! Boy oh boy… Was I ever wrong when I predicted that the final coat of paint in the kitchen would be done Thursday or Friday! I painted two coats in the kitchen one day last week […]