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Considering a Panflute?

Considering a Panflute?

Click the picture for a larger view in a new window.

Reading: Julie and Julia

Reading: Julie and Julia

Below is a link to the book I’m currently reading, and here is the blog that started it all (this page is the starting post).

Google Comes Through!

Google Comes Through!

You can find ANYTHING on Google!

Click the picture for a larger view in a new window.

CULINARY: My eighth night at Pigalls

CULINARY: My eighth night at Pigalls

On Saturday, November 12, 2005, I worked at Jean-Robert at Pigall’s for my eighth night.

System Upgrade: Fedora Core 4

System Upgrade: Fedora Core 4

I recently upgraded the server’s OS from Fedora Core 3 to Fedora Core 4 and applied all the required patches and upgrades. As with most of Red Hat/Fedora’s products, the upgrade went smoothly and we were back up and running in short order.

System Maintenance: Comprehensive Backup & Upgrade

System Maintenance: Comprehensive Backup & Upgrade

On November 1 2005, I performed a comprehensive backup of the site to DVD. The site was offline for about 60 minutes while the backup was double-verified.

On November 2 2005, I upgraded the server’s OS from Fedora Core 3 to Fedora Core 4 and have fully patched the server.

What a disturbing lack of fashion sense!

What a disturbing lack of fashion sense!

She’s clearly got no sense of fashion. I mean, who would wear green sneakers with that outfit?! I’ve spent most of the afternoon staring at the picture in disbelief. Click the image for a larger view in a new window.