Today is Wendy’s birthday! I love you, honey. I hope it’s a good birthday and that you like all your presents!

CULINARY: Another night at Pigall's

CULINARY: Another night at Pigall's

After working a full day at UC, I headed down to Jean-Robert at Pigall’s to help prepare a special dinner (the restaurant is usually closed on Mondays) for 60 members of a wine club. When I arrived around 5:15, the kitchen was in full swing.…

Reading: The Fourth Bear

Reading: The Fourth Bear

After enjoying THE BIG OVER EASY by Jasper Fforde, it was a simple decision to roll right into…      …which is the follow up book published only recently. I’ve got a signed copy, though I missed the actual book signing by three days (darnit!)…

HAPPY MOUTH — October 2006

HAPPY MOUTH — October 2006

There was no Happy Mouth for October. It will be rescheduled for some other month.

150 Things — How many have you done?

150 Things — How many have you done?

Thanks JK’s World! Things I have done are listed in bold… 01. Bought everyone in the bar a drink 02. Swam with wild dolphins 03. Climbed a mountain 04. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive 05. Been inside the Great Pyramid 06. Held a…

It's Away!

It's Away!

As discussed in this article, Wendy & I prepared an audition DVD for a food television show. I sent it off today and it will arrive in New York tomorrow. Cross your fingers for us! Big thanks to Robin, Dave, and Wendy for their help and patience…

Reading: Access All Areas

Reading: Access All Areas

I picked up ACCESS ALL AREAS: A User’s Guide to the Art of Urban Exploration on a lark — it’s light reading (not particularly well-written) on a subject that greatly interests me. Next up… I’m not sure!