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Another update on Akhenaten

Wendy took Akhenaten to the specialist yesterday (along with Bean, who is going there for weekly chemotherapy). The specialist did an ultrasound of Akhenaten and was cautiously optimistic that instead of being in “kidney insufficiency”, he may be instead sub-clinically dehydrated from his ordeal. As briefly mentioned in this post, […]


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Vacation, Mexico 2010

Wendy & I recently got back from a wonderful vacation to the Mayan Riviera in Mexico. We were there at the end of October 2010. Pictures and videos are coming soon. Please stay tuned! Quick thoughts about our trip… When SCUBA diving, we noticed that the reef in Mexico isn’t […]


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An update on Bean and Akhenaten

BEAN: After surviving spleen cancer (and spleen removal) a few months ago, we recently noticed that Bean was once again slowing down. Wendy checked her out and we determined that she’s got liver cancer. On Wednesday, November 10, 2010 we took Bean to Dr. Cheryl (a veterinary oncologist) who started […]

SLIMS/Vout Closed

It came across the Foodnews wire a couple days ago that SLIMS (and Vout) restaurant on Hamilton Avenue in Northside has closed. Checking their website ( and the outgoing message on their phone confirms the closing (“…please do not leave a reservation”) . It’s sad when any restaurant closes, and […]

DESIDERATA by Max Ehrmann

This poem really speaks to me, where I am right now. Also, for an aural treat (in all it’s 1970’s production glory), check out this video on YouTube of the late, great Les Crane “performing” the poem. DESIDERATA by Max Ehrmann Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and […]

A Long Time Coming…

This update is quite overdue, and for that I apologize. Thanks to my dear old friend Scott for the nudge to write this post. An update on Bean, our dear old dog who is battling liver cancer after beating spleen cancer: She’s hanging in there. We know she’s not got […]

Another Akhenaten Update

Some very bad news about Akhenaten, our wonderful little Siamese cat. His kidneys have failed. Wendy has been hydrating him with Lactated Ringer’s a couple times a day, but we’re not keeping up. Akhenaten is dying. And quickly. The feeling is that tonight, Tuesday January 18, 2011, we will have […]

Akhenaten, RIP – Tuesday January 18, 2011

Wendy & I put Akhenaten to sleep on Tuesday, January 18, 2011 around 9:30p. He went peacefully at home, surrounded by his family, human and animal. We are extremely sad to lose this wonderful cat. He left tiny paw prints on our hearts. Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]

Bean, RIP – Sunday, February 6, 2011

On Sunday, February 6, 2011, right around 10:33pm, our dear sweet old Bean dog took her last breath in this world. Bean had battled spleen cancer in August 2010 and beat it (with spleen removal and chemotherapy). However, not long after that, Wendy found a mass on Bean’s liver which […]


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