Month: November 2006

DINNER 326: Thursday, November 23, 2006

DINNER 326: Thursday, November 23, 2006

Like most Americans, we celebrated Thanksgiving today. We were fortunate enough to be Wendy’s family for Thanksgiving, and my parents came along as well. We enjoyed the standard Thanksgiving fare: turkey, dressing, gravy, rolls, salad, sweet potato casserole, cauliflower, green beans, cranberry sauce, and more.…

DINNER 327: Friday, November 24, 2006

DINNER 327: Friday, November 24, 2006

I had today off as part of University of Cincinnati’s Thanksgiving holiday. I got up around 8:00am and worked on a few things (emails, inquiries, adding a feature or two to the Over The Rhine site, etc). I was out the door by 11:30am, expecting…

DINNER 328: Saturday, November 25, 2006

DINNER 328: Saturday, November 25, 2006

I worked prep at Jean-Robert at Pigall’s this afternoon, spending time helping out wherever I was useful. My most useful contribution today was that I made a ton of ravioli (brunoise of squash, shrimp, mushroom, and greens) pretty much from start to finish. Also, I hadn’t seen Jean-Robert since they gave me my own Pigall’s chef’s coat (did I mention on this blog that they gave me my own personalized (embroidered!) chef’s coat?) so it was nice to be able to thank him in person. I enjoyed a tiny bit of ‘family meal’ — chicken stuffed with asparagus, creamy potatoes, corn & onions, and tomato soup — since I wasn’t sure what Wendy’s dinner plans would be.

Since I worked prep-only, I was home by 6:30. Wendy and I went to see FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION, the new offering from Christopher Guest and the rest of the crew. It was very funny and very good. (We hear that Catherine O’Hara is up for an Oscar for her role). Wendy’s dinner plans were to eat popcorn and M&M’s at the theater.

DINNER 329: Sunday, November 26, 2006

DINNER 329: Sunday, November 26, 2006

Today we bagged the leaves that Wendy raked up yesterday. We bagged and bagged — over 30 bags (each with a capacity of 39 gallons) of leaves. Oh my aching back. But our yard looks much better, and our neighbors (who take more pride in…

DINNER 330: Monday, November 27, 2006

DINNER 330: Monday, November 27, 2006

Another at-home evening tonight, and it was very nice. Dinner was simple — food we had on hand. I had some ravioli, yogurt, and an orange.

DINNER 331: Tuesday, November 28, 2006

DINNER 331: Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tonight was Wendy’s early night off of work, so she got home around 7:00pm. I’d been home since about 5:30, reading over the Only Revolutions website & forums. Mark Z. Danielewski is one tripped-out author — he’s the same guy that wrote the mammoth House of Leaves, a 700+ page horror story told on many levels. It was described by the San Francisco Examiner and Chronicle as: “A rollicking Pynchonesque oddity, a Nabokovian linguistic obsession, and a Borgesian unreality, House of Leaves jumps and skips and plays with genre-wrecking abandon, postmodern panache, and an obsessively imaginative scope that absolutely shames most books on the market today”.


Only Revolutions: A Novel
Only Revolutions carries on in the same twisted tradition as House of Leaves – they are both a books that are very aware of the fact that they are books, forcing you to consider not just what you’re reading but how you’re reading it as well. In each book, there are pages that are formatted in such a way to make you spin the book or read backward (or through a mirror). “It is a great mix of pop culture, intelligence, sex, angst, and a great story in a world so detailed that it must be real. At times, it is a play within a play within a play and sometimes you’re not quite sure how many layers there are. The layout of the book itself is also amazing.” (M. Keisler “PhilosophyMusicMan”) And, even 6 years after the original publication of House of Leaves, people are still finding things ‘hidden’ in the footnotes, or putting together pieces of the puzzle. If the television show LOST had a decent story (that went anywhere) and was a book, it might be a lot like the work of Danielewski. 


House of Leaves: The Remastered Full-Color Edition
Wendy & I had dinner this evening at Outback Steakhouse — not the type of place we’d normally dine, but I was given a gift certificate, so we wanted to use it up. Their steaks are seasoned to within an inch of their lives — no tasting the beef there — but they’re tender and cooked appropriately. I had a fillet, Wendy had the tilapia, and we split an onion appetizer. 

DINNER 332: Wednesday, November 29, 2006

DINNER 332: Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Take half a loaf of decent (though a day or two old) French bread. Slice it down the middle and open it flat. Saute some minced fresh garlic in (too much) butter until it’s nicely aromatic. Pour the butter over the french bread, top with…