Buster in bed
We put Buster into bed with us before ‘lights out’ most nights. He lays there silently, tail wagging gently, hoping that we’ll forget he’s there and fall asleep with him between us. SO CUTE!
May The Stars Light Your Way
We put Buster into bed with us before ‘lights out’ most nights. He lays there silently, tail wagging gently, hoping that we’ll forget he’s there and fall asleep with him between us. SO CUTE!
To be posted VERY LOW on the refrigerator door — nose height. Dear Dogs and Cats, The dishes with the paw print are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food. Please note, placing a paw print in the…
What a strange day today was! Wendy & I decided we wanted to try to see LADY IN THE WATER and even made some tentative plans with Angel to go see it. We were going to try to make the 1:40 showing, but we started to hear the sounds of …something… angry in our attic. For the past week or so, we’ve been dealing with racoons in our attic, and it sounded like one had fallen into a wall and was scrabbling to get out, so we called Mike, our pest control man, who came to the house at 3:00.
He & Wendy went into the attic and all over the house to try and rescue this little critter. After much effort, sweat, and blood, they managed to pull out of the wall a young female racoon who was, in fact, stuck. She was angry as anything, but very much alive when Mike pulled her out a couple hours after they’d started working.
During that time, I worked on upgrading this webserver from Fedora Core 4 to Fedora Core 5. With the help of a few folks (Richtroye, Zerberus, Jhutchins, Matt_T, and Plugh) from the #fedora IRC room who generously spent their time (several hours) diagnosing, testing, and suggesting changes, it finally worked. I was able to upgrade to Fedora Core 5, something I’d been trying to do since it was released in March of 2006. However, there is still work to be done. The webserver was a challenge to get functioning again (there was a cache issue that prevented pages from displaying) but it’s up. Email and a couple other things still need to be fixed, but we’re very close.
We never made it to the movie, which is just as well because Angel wasn’t feeling too well, and I needed to complete the upgrade as much as possible. Dinner was ordered in from LaRosa’s. Wendy had a deli cibatta and I had a steak hoagie. We split a salad, then it was back to the terminal for me. I finally finished up around 12:30am.
We’ve added another animal to the brood. His name is “Chuck” (they were calling him “Claude” at the shelter, but Wendy kept mis-saying it as “Chuck”, so that’s what stuck) and he was a stray with some medical problems. He’s an adult neutered male, and at…
Tonight is a portentous evening. An evening when many new things are coming over the horizon… After driving only Mazda Miatas for the last 18 years, I’ve traded my 2005 Mazdaspeed MX5-Miata for a 2011 Hyundai Tucson. I loved the Miatas – especially the Mazdaspeed…
Just a few updates for today…
Wendy has a day off today, so she’s given him the run of the house. She’s anxious for me to get home, so he’ll stop following her around everywhere! He’s a sweet cat, and I think after this period of adjustment and introduction, he’ll integrate nicely into the general population. And maybe Merrick will stop hissing at everything.
So, those are today’s updates.
Wendy brought home Akhenaten’s blood-work from the lab today. The summary: It’s bad. Really bad. His BUN, PO4, ALT (SGPT), Creatinine, Cholesterol, Protein (total), Globulin, and NEU% are all really high (the BUN and PO4 are high enough that the lab re-ran them to make…