Tag: cincinnati

Lavomatic in Gourmet!

Lavomatic in Gourmet!

Finally, some national attention paid to the developing food scene here in Cincinnati! This time in an article about Lavomatic, which is run by a good friend of mine, Chef Joanne. The article is by David Tamarkin at Gourmet.COM and is worth checking out.



Closed since early January 2008, the IRON HORSE INN in Glendale Ohio has recently reopened. The building has a storied history, and it is great to see it open again under new ownership. Wendy and I have dined there twice as guests of the restaurant.…

HAPPY MOUTH — September, 2008

HAPPY MOUTH — September, 2008

This was Wendy’s month to pick, and she changed things up for us quite a bit… She told everyone to prepare for “potentially the most expensive Happy Mouth ever”, and that our evening would start at Paul Sturkey’s MESH Restaurant. We all met at the appointed hour for drinks, appetizers (I had their excellent foie gras appetizer), and socializing. After a while, Wendy escorted everyone outside and told them that we had reservations in the private room of the best Swedish restaurant in the area.

It took a moment for everyone to realize that Wendy meant the cafeteria at IKEA, which sits just a few moments away from MESH.

Far from being our most expensive Happy Mouth, Wendy’s outing was one of the least expensive (and most fun in recent memory!). Good choice, Wendy!

HAPPY MOUTH — October, 2008

HAPPY MOUTH — October, 2008

At the end of October, it was my month again to pick for the monthly outing of the Happy Mouth Supper Club. I selected the Iron Horse Inn, which has newly reopened in Glendale after being closed for a while. Chef Stefan Marcus is at…

Jean-Robert at Pigall's to close February 28, 2009

Jean-Robert at Pigall's to close February 28, 2009

After an extremely successful run in Cincinnati, Jean-Robert at Pigall’s will close on February 28, 2009, this article in the Cincinnati Enquirer confirms. The restaurant on 4th Street  in downtown Cincinnati, is majority owned by Marilyn and Martin Wade and run by Executive Chef Jean-Robert…

Jean-Robert at Pigall's closes, 2-28-2009

Jean-Robert at Pigall's closes, 2-28-2009

Still processing my thoughts from working at the restaurant last night (February 28, 2009) — the last night of Jean-Robert at Pigall’s — and helping the restaurant to close forever. It was an emotional night — from the overwhelming gravity of the situation that this is our last night, to unexpected surprises (like former-employee Raymond showing up (from Washington DC) to help out the last night), to the after-party (wake?).

Check out this page on the Cincinnati.COM site — also see the photo gallery attached to that article — there are lots of great photos (including one of Chef & me) from the evening.

I’ve got some photos on my camera and many thoughts in my head. I will post both very soon.

HAPPY MOUTH – October 2009

HAPPY MOUTH – October 2009

In October, the Happy Mouth Supper Club met for dinner at the BLUE GIBBON restaurant. It was my month to select, and it was a nice evening being together with our friends.