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DINNER 137: Wednesday, May 17, 2006

DINNER 137: Wednesday, May 17, 2006

After class (in which we worked on cheese items — we made Mascarpone, Mozzarella, Lemon Cheese, and a very nice Blue Cheese Tart with Dill), I was very hungry so I stopped at McDonald’s for what has become a standard meal there — a couple…

DINNER 136: Tuesday, May 16, 2006

DINNER 136: Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A surprise evening without plans (since the monthly Wine Dinner at the IRON HORSE INN was cancelled this month), so what do we do? MAKE PLANS! We got together with Dave & Robin for dinner at Ramono’s Macaroni Grill. We enjoyed appetizers of Mozzarella alla Caprese,…

Ten on Tuesday: Ten Things You Do Every Day

Ten on Tuesday: Ten Things You Do Every Day

YaNoWhatIMean wants to know what 10 things do you do every day. Here’s my list:

* Brush my teeth.
* Shower. I cannot get my day started without a hot shower.
* Pet my animals — all 5 cats and two dogs.
* Read. Usually culinary-related, but sometimes novels, too. And magazines. I subscribe to too many magazines!
* Drive my car. It’s a Miata, so that’s not a problem.
* Feed my dogs. They always want more.
* Use my PVR (personal video recorder)
* Blog at
* Listen to music.
* Most importantly, kiss my beautiful wife, Wendy.

What’s your 10 things?

DINNER 135: Monday, May 15, 2006

DINNER 135: Monday, May 15, 2006

I was scheduled to have class this evening from 3:00pm until 9:30pm. I arrived to class around 2:45 to find that Chef Kinsella wasn’t there; we were having Chef Grace Yek as a substitute. Due to the normal lack of communication around there, Chef Yek…

DINNER 134: Sunday, May 14, 2006

DINNER 134: Sunday, May 14, 2006

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY, moms! Today, we celebrated Mother’s Day by taking the moms (and dads!) to a late (2:00) brunch at the IRON HORSE INN in Glendale. The moms & dads, Ted, Wendy, and I sampled their selection of breakfast and lunch items. Everything from…

DINNER 133: Saturday, May 13, 2006

DINNER 133: Saturday, May 13, 2006

I decided not to join Wendy at this evening’s performance of LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS at Falcon Theater, because the show was sold out (yeah!) and I didn’t feel like adding to the mass of humanity. So I stayed home and did my own thing this evening — snoozed on the couch, watched some television, did some chores, and worked on the computer a bit. Before any of those things, I went to LaRosa’s for a cheese ravioli dinner with a green salad and some garlic bread.

Doom (Unrated Widescreen Edition)

DINNER 132: Friday, May 12, 2006

DINNER 132: Friday, May 12, 2006

Before attending this evening’s performance of LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS at Falcon Theater, I met Anne & Larry at Detroit Joe’s for dinner. You may remember Anne & Larry as the couple with whom we attended WICKED on March 9 of this year. We met…