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Webserver at 100% Functionality

Webserver at 100% Functionality

Thanks to my friend Rabbitt, this webserver is now at 100% functionality after the upgraded from Fedora Core 4 to Fedora Core 5. Rabbitt took some time today to fix the email system which broke during the upgrade. Emails sent to accounts on this server…

DINNER 205: Monday, July 24, 2006

DINNER 205: Monday, July 24, 2006

Wendy & I went to Mike & Greg’s house for dinner this evening. Mike runs the barn where Wendy’s horse lives. It was a nice evening with good folks — Shayla, Parnell, Raven, Jo, Julie, Lisa, Courtney — and we had a good meal of…

DINNER 204: Sunday, July 23, 2006

DINNER 204: Sunday, July 23, 2006

What a strange day today was! Wendy & I decided we wanted to try to see LADY IN THE WATER and even made some tentative plans with Angel to go see it. We were going to try to make the 1:40 showing, but we started to hear the sounds of …something… angry in our attic. For the past week or so, we’ve been dealing with racoons in our attic, and it sounded like one had fallen into a wall and was scrabbling to get out, so we called Mike, our pest control man, who came to the house at 3:00.

He & Wendy went into the attic and all over the house to try and rescue this little critter. After much effort, sweat, and blood, they managed to pull out of the wall a young female racoon who was, in fact, stuck. She was angry as anything, but very much alive when Mike pulled her out a couple hours after they’d started working.

During that time, I worked on upgrading this webserver from Fedora Core 4 to Fedora Core 5. With the help of a few folks (Richtroye, Zerberus, Jhutchins, Matt_T, and Plugh) from the #fedora IRC room who generously spent their time (several hours) diagnosing, testing, and suggesting changes, it finally worked. I was able to upgrade to Fedora Core 5, something I’d been trying to do since it was released in March of 2006. However, there is still work to be done. The webserver was a challenge to get functioning again (there was a cache issue that prevented pages from displaying) but it’s up. Email and a couple other things still need to be fixed, but we’re very close.

We never made it to the movie, which is just as well because Angel wasn’t feeling too well, and I needed to complete the upgrade as much as possible. Dinner was ordered in from LaRosa’s. Wendy had a deli cibatta and I had a steak hoagie. We split a salad, then it was back to the terminal for me. I finally finished up around 12:30am.

DINNER 203: Saturday, July 22, 2006

DINNER 203: Saturday, July 22, 2006

We had quite a day planned today — Wendy & I, along with friends Mike & Angel, were going to see Vance Gilbert play at THE HOOD TOUR in Cincinnati’s Eden Park then go to dinner at the Iron Horse Inn. We were excited about…

DINNER 202: Friday, July 21, 2006

DINNER 202: Friday, July 21, 2006

We were supposed to go out this evening (to Ted’s showing of the MST3K “Hamlet” which has attained almost cult-like status for its incredible awfulness), but Wendy had a late surgery so we decided to stay home. I met her at Steak -n- Shake for…

DINNER 201: Thursday, July 20, 2006

DINNER 201: Thursday, July 20, 2006

I was contacted by the chef d’ cuisine at Jean-Robert at Pigall’s to see if I could provide some relief services (ie: work some shifts) while one of the staff goes on vacation or something. As I understand it, I’ll be covering a full station for the nights I’ll be working. I think I’m ready, given a little bit of specific training. The offer was exciting, and I was happy to accept the opportunity. More on that as it develops.

This evening’s dinner was a bagel with cream cheese before heading off to our SALSA class. We’re really enjoying the class quite a bit, and since there were only two couples in the class this evening, we got a lot of individualized attention. I think we’re over the initial learning hurdle and, while we’re still nowhere near good, we’re at least getting comfortable with the steps and are able to put them into combinations now.

Drew in CinWeekly

Drew in CinWeekly

An article featuring a recipe for Wendy’s favorite soup appeared in the July 19, 2006 edition of CinWeekly, a free alternative newspaper in Cincinnati. The article and recipe appear here. Loyal readers of this site know that I have posted several recipes from my BigOven to…