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DINNER 211: Sunday, July 30, 2006

DINNER 211: Sunday, July 30, 2006

What fun today! Bob & Sharon and Wendy & I met Chris & Teresa in Columbus to go to COSI, the Center for Science and Industry, to go through their STAR WARS exhibit. The exhibit was really interesting, with costumes, props, and models from the STAR WARS…

DINNER 210: Saturday, July 29, 2006

DINNER 210: Saturday, July 29, 2006

Today, Wendy & I spent some time in Xenia Ohio with my friend & filmmaker Dan at a reunion party for a movie he wrote, directed, and produced (and which I was in) called TURNING THE CORNER. It was nice to see Dan and the rest…

DINNER 209: Friday, July 28, 2006

DINNER 209: Friday, July 28, 2006

This evening after work, I went down to work at a culinary event at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College. I worked on a Wine & Food Pairing event with Chef Leech, Katherine, and 12 guests. The guests made a variety of dishes — Tuna Tartar with Cucumbers, Rice Vinegar, Lime Juice, Soy Sauce, and Sesame Oil; Shrimp stuffed with Goat Cheese, Lemon, Almonds, and fresh Thyme; Roast Lamb two ways — with sauteed mushrooms and then with Cumberland Sauce; and a Rustic Peach and Apple Tart with a Peach and Apple Concasse.

There was a fair amount of mise en place, so I got right into it when I arrived. I prepared six identical sheet trays with the ingredients that the students would need, portioned and prepared to certain points (we wanted to take care of some of the more routine preparation activities while still leaving them something to do).

Everything was very tasty, and the students really enjoyed themselves as they learned about different wines and how they paired with food. The pleasant surprise at the end was that only one of the wines we served cost more than $10.00. Some of them weren’t great wines, but all of them proved the point that a wine doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive to taste good.

Katherine and I wrapped up the dishes and the room and got out of there by 10:00pm.

DINNER 208: Thursday, July 27, 2006

DINNER 208: Thursday, July 27, 2006

Just a simple meal of leftover pizza from LaRosa’s tonight, since we were somewhat rushed to get to SALSA class. This was our fourth (of five) meetings with this class, and things feel like they’re coming together. I don’t think we’re ready for SO YOU…

DINNER 207: Wednesday, July 26, 2006

DINNER 207: Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wendy & I hung out with my parents this evening at their house. Wendy wanted them to try a soup I’ve made for her a few times, so I whipped together Broccoli Soup with Goat Cheese as an appetizer. For dinner, we went to their…

Comprehensive System Backup

Comprehensive System Backup

Last night, I performed a comprehensive backup of this server since it’s running well after the upgrade (thanks Rabbitt!). I used Mondo for the backup. This morning I burned the backup to DVD and spent about 30 minutes verfying the backup. The site was unavailable during that time, but is (obviously) back up now.

DINNER 206: Tuesday, July 25, 2006

DINNER 206: Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Yesterday was my brother-in-law’s birthday, so his parents, Wendy, and I took him out to dinner to celebrate. We went to Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen which is conveniently near our house. Normally, I really enjoy that restaurant, but my stomach was feeling sour from today’s lunch,…