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RIDE CINCINNATI 2014 Information & Maps

RIDE CINCINNATI 2014 Information & Maps

For my team, here’s information (copied from the official site) about the race. One of my friends is setting up an airbrush tattoo station where she will give free PINK RIBBON tattoos! Stop by and get your tattoo! AFTER THE RACE Instead of trying to…

Are you a Brand? Really?

Are you a Brand? Really?

This post from The Onion cracked me up. Do you know someone who is “a brand”? Are you, yourself, “a brand”?,30545/

RIP Oliver

RIP Oliver

Oliver, the last of the original three cats that Wendy brought into our relationship, passed away quietly at home a couple weeks ago. The original trio was Merrick, Ringo, and Oliver.

We thought Oliver would live forever because he had an annoying habit of peeing on things around the house. However, over the last few weeks, he quickly declined.

When he finally stopped eating — especially eating Nacho Cheese Doritos (his absolute favorite food — he would take them out of your mouth if you let him) — we knew his time was dwindling. After agonizing over the decision, we finally knew it was time. He passed peacefully in Wendy’s lap.

He will certainly be missed because he was the last of the originals.

Rest well, Oliver. I know you’re happily munching Nacho Doritos at the Rainbow Bridge!

QuickLinks: Articles You’re Here For

QuickLinks: Articles You’re Here For

There are loads of interesting articles and several thousand pictures on this site. Navigate by category on the side menu on the front page, or explore the articles in reverse-chronological order (newest first) by clicking the “older posts” link at the bottom of each page.…

Stupid Crackheads

Stupid Crackheads

hB597524EWhile I was working at the restaurant this weekend, a damned crackhead busted my car window on Saturday and stole my GPS, change container from my console (with maybe $12 in it), and a pack of blank index cards. Stupid crackhead. What’s he going to do with index cards?!?

Thanks to State Farm Insurance for making the claims & repair process fast-and-easy… for real.

Thanks also to our valet Drew who confronted the crackhead and got some of my stuff back, including a no-longer-produced FranklinCovey Index Card Wallet.

Through it all, I missed only a few minutes of service, and returned to the line after talking to Cincinnati’s finest police officers. Today I’m getting arrangements made for the repairs.

A little more to do…

A little more to do…

We’re here! Located on our new local server, the bulk of the move has been completed. It went fairly smoothly, with the exception of the Gallery, which currently isn’t operating as expected. I’ll be working on the Gallery — and any other issues we spot…