DINNER 337: Monday, December 4, 2006
Tonight we hung out at home and had delivery from LaRosa’s… I had a hoagie and Wendy had a cibatta (which, to her dismay, they may be discontinuing, if the driver is to be believed).
May The Stars Light Your Way
Tonight we hung out at home and had delivery from LaRosa’s… I had a hoagie and Wendy had a cibatta (which, to her dismay, they may be discontinuing, if the driver is to be believed).
We left the hotel at 9:00am (their time) to travel back from Kentucky. In the evening, we attended the fourth annual craft party at Dave & Robin’s house, attended by Dave, Robin, Cheryl, Danny, Holly, Wendy, and Drew. We made candle cozies, little beaded Christmas trees,…
Tonight was the second (and last) night of the Madrigal Dinner at Kentucky Wesleyan College. Wendy & I joined a few other alums for dinner at FAMOUS DELI in Owensboro. We had a starter of fried mozzarella with marinara sauce (it was excellent), then I had their very-good Chicken Marsala with a Malbac wine. I had hoped to try AMERICAN BOUNTY restaurant, but was happy that we went to FAMOUS DELI instead.
After dinner, Wendy dropped me back at the hotel where I read and watched television.
This extended weekend was a very relaxing get-away for me, and I really enjoyed it.
Tonight was the first night (of two nights) of the Madrigal Dinner at Kentucky Wesleyan College. This evening is the performance that I attended, and it was very nice. A brisk night in Owensboro Kentucky was a lovely contrast to the warm, inviting room (well,…
Wendy and I went down to Owensboro Kentucky so she could participate in the 30th annual Madrigal Dinner hosted at her undergrad, Kentucky Wesleyan College. She was particularly excited that “Doc” (whose real name I never learned!) was coming back to conduct the assembled chorus. We…
Take half a loaf of decent (though a day or two old) French bread. Slice it down the middle and open it flat. Saute some minced fresh garlic in (too much) butter until it’s nicely aromatic. Pour the butter over the french bread, top with Mozzarella, Cheddar, Provolone, and Parmesan cheeses, and broil to melt the cheese and warm everything up.
This was a delicious, terribly unhealthy meal that I enjoyed tonight. I ate some yogurt and drank a glass of milk (3% — a mix of whole milk and 1% that we had on hand) with it, so that practically makes it healthy, doesn’t it?
Tonight was Wendy’s early night off of work, so she got home around 7:00pm. I’d been home since about 5:30, reading over the Only Revolutions website & forums. Mark Z. Danielewski is one tripped-out author — he’s the same guy that wrote the mammoth House…