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CULINARY: Pigall's night — Mar. 10 2007

CULINARY: Pigall's night — Mar. 10 2007

I’ve worked at Jean-Robert at Pigall’s a few times this year, and noticed that I failed to blog those visits. Back on Saturday, February 3rd, I worked at the restaurant and cut the daylights out of my left middle finger (see this picture for a…

RECIPE 11: Molten Chocolate Cakes

RECIPE 11: Molten Chocolate Cakes

                      -= Exported from BigOven =-                         Molten Chocolate Cakes This recipe, called Hot Rock at the Tropica Restaurant in Maui, makes two couple-sized cakes, serving four people total. Have them warm with whipped cream, bananas, ice cream, and/or raspberry coulis (included in this collection).…

10 Things I'd Like to Learn How to Do

10 Things I'd Like to Learn How to Do

From this page comes this Tuesday’s question… In no significant order, 10 things I’d like to learn how to do:

  1. Speak Spanish
  2. Speak Japanese
  3. Speak French 
  4. Be a better writer
  5. Program, at least a little bit
  6. Work less and make more money
  7. Be paid for traveling and dining out
  8. Sing
  9. Dance
  10. Eat anything I want and not gain weight
RECIPE 10: Raspberry Coulis

RECIPE 10: Raspberry Coulis

                      -= Exported from BigOven =-                            Raspberry Coulis Recipe By: Bon Appetit magazine, Sept 2001, page 126 Serving Size: 4 Cuisine: Main Ingredient: Categories: Easter, Fruit, Sauces, Desserts -= Ingredients =- 1 10 ounce bag Sweetened Frozen Raspberries In Syrup to taste Sugar -=…

3/3/07 Wine Dinner at IRON HORSE INN

3/3/07 Wine Dinner at IRON HORSE INN

This evening was the first-Saturday Wine Dinner at the Iron Horse Inn. Wendy & I joined a bunch of friends at the table for a great meal. Our party was 13 people strong! We love taking new people to the Iron Horse — all we have to…

10 on Tuesday: 10 Things You Would Do if You Were Younger

10 on Tuesday: 10 Things You Would Do if You Were Younger

Ah, if only I were younger! I’m not sure if the spirit of this meme is to ask “what would I do if I could roll back the clock?” or if it is addressing things I no longer feel I can do since I’m older… Interestingly, this exercise became more the former than the latter for me…

  1. Race sports cars
  2. Be a chef in a professional kitchen
  3. Begin & finish a few more degrees
  4. Start SCUBA diving a lot earlier
  5. Chuck it all and move somewhere — total change of scenery
  6. Travel, travel, and travel! See the whole damned world!
  7. Learn to manage my money earlier
  8. Spend more time with my grandparents, all of whom are gone now
  9. I would have jumped out of that plane!
  10. Be more courageous
RECIPE 9: Spinach Arancini

RECIPE 9: Spinach Arancini

                      -= Exported from BigOven =-                            Spinach Arancini Recipe By: Recipe courtesy Michael Chiarello. Episode #MO1B03 Serving Size: 7 Cuisine: Italian Main Ingredient: Categories: Appetizers -= Ingredients =- 1/4 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 ea Onion ; Finely Minced 3 cloves Garlic ;…