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Upgraded to WordPress 2.1.3

Upgraded to WordPress 2.1.3

After thinking about it for far too long, this morning I spent some time upgrading my WordPress installation to 2.1.3, the most current version. I had to update a bunch of plugins to their most current version and then deactivate them one-by-one, install the new…

Reading: A Meal Observed

Reading: A Meal Observed

I am reading Andrew Todhunter’s A MEAL OBSERVED. It’s a magazine-length idea that he’s turned into an amusing little book, combining history and experience with a sheaf of helpful culinary notes. The book recounts their meal at Paris’s Taillevent, “a Michelin three-star restaurant considered by many critics…

10 on Tuesday: Ten Things Most People Don't Know About You

10 on Tuesday: Ten Things Most People Don't Know About You

From this page comes this Tuesday’s question… What are 10 things most people don’t know about me? In no particular order…

  1. I am a scuba diver.
  2. When I was in high school, I used to wear a ‘rat tail’ in my hair (think mullet but the ‘party in the back’ is only several strands thick).
  3. I took a few years of ballet & modern dance in college.
  4. I am a nearly-obsessive cookbook collector.
  5. I used to play Frisbee nearly every day with my friend John. We were good!
  6. I think that the lid should be kept down when not in use.
  7. I am a philanthropist who was born poor.
  8. I mercilessly abuse telemarketers when they cold-call my house.
  9. Inconsiderate drivers really get under my skin.
  10. I do not like to borrow or lend books.
RECIPE 19: Fresh Pasta Sheets with Parsley

RECIPE 19: Fresh Pasta Sheets with Parsley

                      -= Exported from BigOven =-                    Fresh Pasta Sheets with Parsley The whole parsley leaves rolled into this pasta make it especially pretty but you can easily leave them out. Simply omit Step 3 of the recipe. Recipe By: Serving Size: 8 Cuisine: Main…

One Night, Twelve Kitchens 2007

One Night, Twelve Kitchens 2007

  One Night, Twelve Kitchens April 29, 6-9 pm Midwest Culinary Institute at Cincinnati State College    Top regional chefs showcase the eleven state-of-the-art kitchens at Midwest Culinary Institute to benefit the Cincinnati State College Foundation culinary scholarships. I have participated in this event for the…

RECIPE 18: Spaghetti Carbonara

RECIPE 18: Spaghetti Carbonara

                      -= Exported from BigOven =-

                         Spaghetti Carbonara

Recipe By: From “Garlic and Sapphires” by Ruth Reichel
Serving Size: 3
Cuisine: Italian
Main Ingredient: Pasta
Categories: Easy, Pasta, Main Dish

-= Ingredients =-
3/4 pound Spaghetti
1/4 to 1/2 pound Bacon ; Good Quality Thickly sliced
2 cloves Garlic ; Peeled
2 large Eggs
to taste Black Pepper
1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese ; Grated plus extra for the table

-= Instructions =-
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. When it is boiling, throw the spaghetti in. Most dried spaghetti takes 9 to 10 minutes to cook, and you can make the sauce in that time.

Cut the bacon crosswise into pieces about 1/2 inch wide. Put them in a skillet and cook for 2 minutes, until fat begins to render. Add the whole cloves of garlic and cook another 5 minutes, until the edges of the bacon just begin to get crisp.  Do not overcook; if they get too crisp, they won’t meld with the pasta.

Meanwhile, break the eggs into the bowl you will serve the pasta in, and beat them with a fork. Add some grindings of pepper.

Remove the garlic from the bacon pan. If it looks like too much fat to you, discard some, but you’re going to toss the bacon with most of its fat into the pasta.

When it is cooked, drain the pasta and immediately throw it into the beaten eggs. Mix thoroughly. The heat of the spaghetti will cook the eggs and turn them into a sauce. Add the bacon with its fat, toss again, add cheese and serve.

** This recipe can be pasted into BigOven without retyping. ID= 161285 **
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Reading: Letters to a Young Chef

Reading: Letters to a Young Chef

In Letters to a Young Chef, Daniel Boulud, cookbook author, chef, and owner of Daniel, Café Boulud, and DB Bistro Moderne in New York City, briefly covers what he believes are the most important building blocks to becoming a great chef. I bought this book…