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09/17/2008 Wine Dinner at Midwest Culinary Institute

09/17/2008 Wine Dinner at Midwest Culinary Institute

Chef Matthew Winterrowd Wines hosted by Chip Emmerich of Burnet Ridge Winery Welcome Cold Smoked Salmon Cheesecake with Beet Crust and Radish Salad Russian River Vin Gris Pinot Noir 2007 First Course Shrimp, Basmati Rice, Okra, Tomato, and Coconut Lake Erie Pinot Gris 2007 Second…

Back up after the blackout

Back up after the blackout

Finally! Since being without power at my datacenter (actually, my computer room (actually, my spare bedroom)) since Sunday, September 14, the power finally came back on last night around 1:00am. Trying to get things back to normal around here… The webserver is back (obviously), the…

Fedora Core 5 to Fedora Core 9!

Fedora Core 5 to Fedora Core 9!

Wow! That was… unexpected!

After a LONG time of not upgrading my site’s operating system, various initiatives I am undertaking required me to update from Fedora Core 5 (released March 20, 2006) to Fedora Core 9 (released May 13, 2008).

I was very nervous about this upgrade since it spanned so many versions of the operating system, but I started out with high hopes. I backed up my system to DVD using MondoArchive, an excellent bare-metal backup solution. Then, I inserted the Fedora Core 9 DVD, rebooted, and started the upgrade proceedure only to be told that one of my drives was a bit short of space (249 megs, to be exact).

The solution ended up being repartioning-in-place using a great product from Acronis which handled all the heavy lifting of the non-destructive repartition for me. I repartitioned the particular drive to a size large enough to make sure this particular problem will never surface again.

Launching the Fedora Core 9 DVD’s upgrade procedure a second time worked, using the newly-widened partition… The installer updated 890 files and rebooted successfully (I was worried about it rebooting successfully!)

However, that’s when I ran into two things… First, the webserver failed to launch because of a configuration error. Secondly, I ran into a time limit and we had to leave for dinner with friends. So, the site was down for a few hours while we enjoyed a very nice meal and evening with Brian, Milan, and Erin.

We came home, went to bed, and I was lying awake thinking of how to address the issues on the server. Next thing I knew, my feet carried me in to the server room and I started tinkering. An hour later (and about 10 minutes ago), I got the site online at last. But there is still more tweaking and testing to do… I need to ensure that the changes I made manually that got the site online will “stick” after the server is rebooted, which I will attempt to do after posting this article.

It was immediately apparent that the new operating system is considerably faster than the old one. Cold-booting takes less than 40 seconds on Fedora Core 9. I’m not sure how long it took on Fedora Core 5, but I know it was longer.

I apologize for the downtime, but it was necessary, and moving forward should be considerably smoother from now on. There is still a fair amount to do — applying non-critical patches & upgrades to the system and then another comprehensive backup, but being back online is enough for tonight.

UPDATE: Rebooting works… mostly. After rebooting, I need to enter “dhclient eth0”, “tzoupdate” and “service httpd start” to get things rolling properly. I need to determine how to automate those steps so the system reboots to an online state.

UPDATE 2: I’ve got the system configured properly now, so it boots into an online state.

How I use EverNote — it's for my life!

How I use EverNote — it's for my life!

In this article, I present a brief overview of how I use EverNote 2.2.1 to manage the stuff in my life. I have two main EverNote databases (“ENbases”) — one for my office and one for everything else — and I keep them completely separate……

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things You Didn't Like About School

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things You Didn't Like About School

From this site comes this week’s Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things You Didn’t Like About School. In no particular order, mine are:

  1. Homework
  2. Having to wear socks (part of the uniform for my Catholic high school. One day in my junior year, I got HALF a detention once because I forgot to put on one sock!). Never have liked to wear socks since
  3. Math classes. Never liked ’em, never will
  4. The cliques — all the different groups in the school. I was one who tried to cross the boundaries, and did so with some success
  5. Having acne (this isn’t strictly school-related) and having acne at school (school-related!)
  6. Getting erections every day (in Sister Roberta’s Geometry class) while going through puberty. You could set a clock by ’em
  7. I joined the Catholic education system (from public schools) in the 9th grade, so I had to work very hard to integrate myself into the long-standing relationships that kids who had always gone to school together already had
  8. The mandatory masses held every so often (once a month, maybe?). As a non-Catholic, I would have preferred to sit in study hall but was not permitted to do so. As a result, I learned to perfectly parrot the mass, even the Latin parts, without any significance or meaning to me (I guess that made me a little more Catholic than I thought!)
  9. From college (pre-computer days!), having to walk back and forth across campus to get the “required signatures” on various forms. I quickly learned to carry a red, blue, and black pen so I could sign the forms myself and save the steps.
  10. That I didn’t appreciate those years then as much as I do now. Despite the seeming complexity, the angst, the drama, and everything else, those years were among the most enjoyable years of my life. It is a rare treat to have knowledge poured into your brain; now, as a professional, we have to fight for any learning. Back then, it was just there for the taking. Would I go back? Not on your life. But I, now, appreciate those years a lot.
Are the weight-loss concerns of white, overweight, male bloggers taken seriously?

Are the weight-loss concerns of white, overweight, male bloggers taken seriously?

Inspired by this post at Wine Me, Dine Me Cincinnati (and my reply here), followed by the creation of Cincinnati Losers, which focuses entirely on white female bloggers, I must ask the following question: Are the weight-loss concerns of white, overweight, male bloggers taken seriously?…