On Saturday, November 15, 2003, Wendy & I opened our house for the second annual HIGH END APPETIZER & DESSERT PARTY.
What’s a HIGH-END APPETIZER & DESSERT PARTY, you ask? We asked that each couple bring a high-end Appetizer OR high-end Dessert, and (at least) ONE bottle of wine (or other beverage of their choice), all for sharing with the group. Attendees were strongly encouraged to bring a HIGH-END Appetizer and Dessert — no Twinkees and Vienna Sausages!
The HIGH END theme was taken very seriously by the nearly 30 attendees — they brought amazing dishes that were as beautiful to behold as they were tasty to eat. The wine and conversation flowed freely.
Special thanks to our friends Meg & Doug for their invaluable assistance in the kitchen during the party!
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