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HAPPY MOUTH — September 2004

HAPPY MOUTH — September 2004

The September outing of the HAPPY MOUTH SUPPER CLUB has come and gone. This month was Wendy’s choice, and she decided that everyone should go Vegas, bay-bee!. We went to the Argosy Casino (so, I guess it was, technically, Indiana, bay-bee!. Ted, Tracy, Holly, Jay,…

You want a piece of this?!

You want a piece of this?!

Session Start (AIM): Thu Apr 04 14:25:27 2002Drew: Do you want a beating?MrEmery: What kind?Drew: Severe.

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

I am extremely enthusiastic about nectarines. They're fantastic. Like all fruit, there is definitely something erotic in their presentation… When they're ripe enough, no cutting is required. You can just grab both sides and twist — just as you might twist a squirrel — and then eat the halves over the sink wildly while the juice runs down your arm.

Thanks Chris E.



I am testing software on this site which may cause an inconvenience for users who wish to post comments while using Internet Explorer. Users of other browsers (Mozilla, Firefox, etc) will not experience this issue. If you are using Internet Explorer and wish to post…

Cats Help You Understand Internet 'Smilies'

Cats Help You Understand Internet 'Smilies'

To help you understand the 'smilies' that are so popular on the internet (as well as on this very site), we present these instructional cats:  Click image for a larger view in a new window.

We're Running XARAYA Now!

We're Running XARAYA Now!

After much deliberation and testing, I’ve decided to switch this site from PostNuke ("old ‘n busted") to Xaraya ("the new hotness") as the software driving the Content Management System (CMS). The CMS ties all the data of the site together and presents it in a useful fashion. Changing CMSs is akin to changing the engine in your car… It’s the main part that makes things go.

Exploring this new software, you will notice several changes…

Continue reading We're Running XARAYA Now!

ZIP DECODE: Very cool toy.

ZIP DECODE: Very cool toy.

Follow this link to visit ZIP DECODE, a very cool toy that shows the location of a zip code. Go to the page, type in a zip code, and watch.