System Maintenance: Comprehensive Backup

System Maintenance: Comprehensive Backup

Today, I performed a comprehensive backup of the system to the new DVD burner that I installed. It makes backing things up much nicer. I also installed another fan in the case to cool things off, replacing one that had locked up. The site was…

CULINARY: My seventh night at Pigalls

CULINARY: My seventh night at Pigalls

On Saturday, June 18, 2005, I worked at Jean-Robert at Pigall’s for my seventh night.

I Am A Statistic

I Am A Statistic

I’ve participated in an online blogging survey being conducted by the Media Lab at MIT. Actually, it’s about more than just blogging, as the questions also cover use of email, instant messaging, and texting (cell phone SMS). This is part of a PhD project by…

The Birds & The Bees 2005 Style

The Birds & The Bees 2005 Style

From Jo, a regular visitor to this site: A little boy goes to his father and asks “Daddy, how was I born?” The father answers: “Well, son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway! Your Mom and I first got together…

True Facts

True Facts

True Facts from Funny2.COM. The California Department of Motor Vehicles has issued six driver’s licenses to six different people named Jesus Christ. Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike each year than all the Nike factory workers in Malaysia combined. Chicago is closer to Moscow…

Why Catholic Education Sucks

Why Catholic Education Sucks

Here is yet another reason that Catholic education sucks. My school did not have this type of squad, and now I feel cheated. Click the picture for a larger view in a new window.