ANOTHER Bill Arrives…

ANOTHER Bill Arrives…

I was mildly surprised to receive a bill from UC today. With a midly “how bad can it be?” attitiude, I opened it to discover yet another bill. This time, from UC. Apparently, UC’s tuition benefit is only 6 hours per quarter, and I’d registered…

Over the Rhine — in-store at Joseph Beth Booksellers

Over the Rhine — in-store at Joseph Beth Booksellers

To celebrate the release of OHIO, their new double-CD release on Backporch Records, Over the Rhine did an in-store at Joseph-Beth Booksellers in Hyde Park this afternoon. Over the Rhine’s Karin Bergquist & Linford Detweiler They played a few songs — the ones I can…

Yet Another Bill…

Yet Another Bill…

So, I get another envelope from CSTCC. With trembling fingers, I opened it to find a schedule — showing me registered for both classes (YEAH!), and a balance on my account. A balance of more than $300. While unwelcome (who wants to spent $300?!), it…

Scuba Diving at Natural Springs

Scuba Diving at Natural Springs

On Sunday, August 24, 2003, Wendy & I went diving at Natural Springs Resort in New Paris, Ohio. This was a significant event for two reasons. First, it was the first time Wendy & I dove alone, and secondly, it was the first time we…

System Email Reconfiguration & Backup

System Email Reconfiguration & Backup

After several days of hard work on the problem, my buddy Rabbitt was able to assess, track down, and squash an email issue I was having on the site. Because of the virus threat, ZoomTown (my network provider) made sending email from the site almost…

Wednesday September 3: First Evening Class

Wednesday September 3: First Evening Class

Wednesday, September 3 2003 was my first evening of culinary class. Tonight’s class was Theory of Cooking from 5:00-7:50pm followed by practical work in the kitchen from 8:00-10:30pm. After leaving my office at 4:30, I made my way to CSTCC for my 5:00 class. I…

Saturday September 6, 2003: First Saturday Culinary Class

Saturday September 6, 2003: First Saturday Culinary Class

Today was the first Saturday practical class. Getting up early and donning my uniform (minus my still-missing clogs), I drove down to the kitchen at CSTCC for our Saturday class. The class is scheduled from 8:00am-1:00pm. I was rather surprised that everyone in our Theory…