Over the Rhine — in-store at Joseph Beth Booksellers
To celebrate the release of OHIO, their new double-CD release on Backporch Records, Over the Rhine did an in-store at Joseph-Beth Booksellers in Hyde Park this afternoon.

Over the Rhine’s Karin Bergquist & Linford Detweiler
They played a few songs — the ones I can recall off the top of my head were Fever, Hometown Boy, Suitcase, Show Me, Ohio, The Seahorse, and certainly a couple others I’m forgetting — and chatted a bit about the new release before signing autographs for the large assembled crowd.
It was nice to see so many people at the in-store. The place was fairly crowded, and I felt fortunate to have a nice bench close to the band. I saw Dan T., Margarita, Debbie, and Bruce, but the rest of the folks were new faces, which makes me happy because OTR is getting some long-overdue new blood in their crowds.
The new CD is quite good. Do check it out!