Culinary School: The Journey begins…

Culinary School: The Journey begins…

After far too long THINKING & DOING NOTHING about it, a conversation with one of my co-workers spurred me into action. Here’s how it went… I was at my office printer, waiting for my group of recipes to print. Ray, Professor of Pharmacy Administration in…

Actor ROBERT STACK dead at 84

Actor ROBERT STACK dead at 84

Actor ROBERT STACK died.    

HAPPY MOUTH — May 2003

HAPPY MOUTH — May 2003

The Happy Mouth Supper Club met for our monthly outing on Friday, May 23, 2003. Tonight was Chuck’s month to pick, so he selected THE SKY GALLEY at historic Lunken Airport. Dinner and the company was fantastic.

HAPPY MOUTH — April 2003

HAPPY MOUTH — April 2003

April’s Happy Mouth was selected by Jay, who chose MITCHELL’S FISH MARKET down at Newport on the Levee. We had a private dining room in the back of the restaurant, quite cozy. Oysters, clams, and loads of exceptional seafood dishes were served.

The Falcon Play at Westwood Town Hall

The Falcon Play at Westwood Town Hall

Anyone who has a chance should really go see The Bible, The Complete Word of God (Abridged) being performed at the Westwood Town Hall. It is being presented by Falcon Productions. You only have one more weekend to take advantage of this hilarious look at…

Dive Dive Dive!

Dive Dive Dive!

Those of you who read the exhaustive account of our Punta Cana trip will recall that one of our favorite events down there was our “discovery dive.” They gear you up, put you in a swimming pool with an instructor who speaks English reasonably well.…

First things first

First things first

With my Consotium form submitted to my employer and my application for admission submitted to my host school, I felt like everything was in order to begin Fall term at CSTCC. When it came time to register for classes, I tried to do so on…