You want a piece of this?!

You want a piece of this?!

Session Start (AIM): Thu Apr 04 14:25:27 2002Drew: Do you want a beating?MrEmery: What kind?Drew: Severe.

Blogger Boobie-Thon… Show 'em for charity

Blogger Boobie-Thon… Show 'em for charity

In an effort to raise money for the Susan G. Komen Foundation to fight breast cancer, the fine folks over at Boobie-Thon have launched their third-annual ‘blogger boobie-thon’ which raises lettuce by showing melons, so to speak.   For more information on their 2003 event which…

Top 10 Signs You Need to Practice Better Buoyancy Control

Top 10 Signs You Need to Practice Better Buoyancy Control

From the users of #10: You rely on the silt trail you always stir up to find the anchor line. #9: You never use fins because it makes it more difficult to walk on the bottom. #8: The only place you can hover is…

CULINARY: My first night at Pigall's

CULINARY: My first night at Pigall's

After working on the details for several months, on Saturday (January 8, 2005) I worked at Jean-Robert at Pigall’s restaurant.

CULINARY: My second night at Pigall's

CULINARY: My second night at Pigall's

On Saturday (January 29, 2005) I worked at Jean-Robert at Pigall’s restaurant for my second night.

System Speed & a game recommendation — DARWINIA

System Speed & a game recommendation — DARWINIA

I noticed over the last week or so that the site has been extremely sluggish in responding to hits. I spent some time evening on the phone with my service provider, and we’ve gotten the site’s delivery speed up six times higher than it was…

CULINARY: My third night at Pigalls, some goodbyes, and more…

CULINARY: My third night at Pigalls, some goodbyes, and more…

On Saturday (February 19, 2005) I worked at Jean-Robert at Pigall’s restaurant for my third night. I arrived around 1:30pm and worked until almost 11:00pm.