We've been NUKED!
This news site has been created using the exceptional PHP-Nuke news database system. Check it out — there are a lot of great features in this software. Stay tuned as we develop more and more content!
Some features:
Full automated news system without the need for HTML editing
Graphical Administration via Web browser
Integrated banner ad system with tracking
User comments for each article
Highly-configurable members system
Voting Booth/Survey system
Statistic page with counters
TOP page for each section
High-encryption authentication
Moderation option for users and administrators
Flexible and configurable HTML blocks
Integrated search engine
Unlimited theme support
Graphic and flexible Topics Manager
Sections and articles manager
Dynamic page display
Multilanguage support (23 languages supported)
100% PHP code
The best of all: It’s free and under GPL license!
PHP-Nuke is a FREE (GNU) software package that combines ease of use, powerful features, speed, robust performance, and expandability.
What is PHP-Nuke?
PHP-Nuke is an automated news system specially designed to be used in Intranets and the Internet. The Administrator has total control of the web site, registered users, and will have in the hand a powerful assembly of tools to maintain an active and 100% interactive web site using MySQL databases.
Do I need to know HTML to use PHP-Nuke?
The answer is no. You only need to know the basic functions to change things through the system administration included in PHP-Nuke. This system is designed to do all its jobs using your prefered web browser. You’ll never need to edit files on your server.
What do I need to use PHP-Nuke?
PHP-Nuke requieres a computer with Linux/Unix/Win98/NT/ME/2000 operating system installed, MySQL database server, Apache Web server, and PHP3 preferably in-module (mod_php3). All these programs are available FREE on the Internet.
Why should I use PHP-Nuke?
There are many similar programs and projects like Slash, PHPweblog, Thatware, Sips, NewsPro, and more, but PHP-Nuke is designed to be very customizable and flexible, easy and pleasant to use.
How many languages does PHP-Nuke support?
At this moment PHP-Nuke supports more than 23 languages. Some are English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Danish, Swedish, Russian, French, Italian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Dutch, Polish, Japanese, etc. The language portion of PHP-Nuke is completely isolated; edit one file and you’ve edited the language for the entire site!