Tag: books

Reading: Access All Areas

Reading: Access All Areas

I picked up ACCESS ALL AREAS: A User’s Guide to the Art of Urban Exploration on a lark — it’s light reading (not particularly well-written) on a subject that greatly interests me. Next up… I’m not sure!

Reading: The Reach of a Chef

Reading: The Reach of a Chef

Currently reading The Reach of a Chef by fellow-Ohioan Michael Ruhlman. I’ve read the others in this series, The Making of a Chef and The Soul of a Chef, and enjoyed them both. When I saw this new book in the bookstore, it was an…

DINNER 331: Tuesday, November 28, 2006

DINNER 331: Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tonight was Wendy’s early night off of work, so she got home around 7:00pm. I’d been home since about 5:30, reading over the Only Revolutions website & forums. Mark Z. Danielewski is one tripped-out author — he’s the same guy that wrote the mammoth House of Leaves, a 700+ page horror story told on many levels. It was described by the San Francisco Examiner and Chronicle as: “A rollicking Pynchonesque oddity, a Nabokovian linguistic obsession, and a Borgesian unreality, House of Leaves jumps and skips and plays with genre-wrecking abandon, postmodern panache, and an obsessively imaginative scope that absolutely shames most books on the market today”.


Only Revolutions: A Novel
Only Revolutions carries on in the same twisted tradition as House of Leaves – they are both a books that are very aware of the fact that they are books, forcing you to consider not just what you’re reading but how you’re reading it as well. In each book, there are pages that are formatted in such a way to make you spin the book or read backward (or through a mirror). “It is a great mix of pop culture, intelligence, sex, angst, and a great story in a world so detailed that it must be real. At times, it is a play within a play within a play and sometimes you’re not quite sure how many layers there are. The layout of the book itself is also amazing.” (M. Keisler “PhilosophyMusicMan”) And, even 6 years after the original publication of House of Leaves, people are still finding things ‘hidden’ in the footnotes, or putting together pieces of the puzzle. If the television show LOST had a decent story (that went anywhere) and was a book, it might be a lot like the work of Danielewski. 


House of Leaves: The Remastered Full-Color Edition
Wendy & I had dinner this evening at Outback Steakhouse — not the type of place we’d normally dine, but I was given a gift certificate, so we wanted to use it up. Their steaks are seasoned to within an inch of their lives — no tasting the beef there — but they’re tender and cooked appropriately. I had a fillet, Wendy had the tilapia, and we split an onion appetizer. 



Currently reading ONLY REVOLUTIONS by Mark Z. Danielewski, the author of the very-weird and much-enjoyed House of Leaves. This book is more challenging than House of Leaves and I am not immediately enjoying it as much. However, I will stick with it. If you’re interested…

Reading: Gastronaut

Reading: Gastronaut

I decided to put down ONLY REVOLUTIONS for the time being. Though I was enjoying the book, I was struggling with it because this period of time is so busy with the holidays and my busiest time at work. I kept losing the thread of the book because…

Reading: The Scavenger's Guide to Haute Cuisine

Reading: The Scavenger's Guide to Haute Cuisine

I am currently reading The Scavenger’s Guide to Haute Cuisine by Steven Rinella. It’s sort of a road book meets hunting book meets culinary book, and it’s fun. Mr. Rinella’s activities as he tries to collect ingredients to re-create a 3-day, 45-course meal from Le Guide Culinaire are very entertaining.

The Scavenger's Guide to Haute Cuisine

Reading: You Suck

Reading: You Suck

Oh, Wendy & I adore Christopher Moore! He’s one funny writer, as nice as he can be in person, and writes enjoyably messed-up stories. YOU SUCK is a follow-up to BLOODSUCKING FIENDS that Mr. Moore has written at the request of his readers. I’m only…