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DINNER 343: Sunday, December 10, 2006

DINNER 343: Sunday, December 10, 2006

With errands behind us, Wendy & I went to see the 4:00 production of THE TRIAL OF EBENEZER SCROOGE at Falcon Theater. They did a good job, and Donnie, who played Scrooge, did an exceptional job. It was an entertaining show. Since we were nearby,…

DINNER 342: Saturday, December 9, 2006

DINNER 342: Saturday, December 9, 2006

Wendy received a gift card for Max & Erma’s restaurant chain today at her office, so we went there for a light dinner. I had a bowl of their tomato basil soup and half a roast beef and brie cheese sandwich. Everything was good, and…

DINNER 341: Friday, December 8, 2006

DINNER 341: Friday, December 8, 2006

Wendy & I had some errands tonight, so it was a quick dinner at Steak-n-Shake. I had a Mushroom & Swiss Burger (not very good, honestly), some fries and cottage cheese.

DINNER 340: Thursday, December 7, 2006

DINNER 340: Thursday, December 7, 2006

I threw together some pasta, tuna, olives, garlic, and other items tonight to make a peasant meal. It was good, though I made too much pasta which diluted the taste of everything else. Once I’d ‘eaten down’ the pasta, the flavor profile balanced and it was…

DINNER 339: Wednesday, December 6, 2006

DINNER 339: Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Wendy had her cake decorating class this evening (it was Fondant night and she was very excited), so I went to Tokyo Restaurant for a sushi dinner — soup, salad, 10 pieces of nigiri sushi, and a tuna roll. I added Eel nigiri. It was…

DINNER 338: Tuesday, December 5, 2006

DINNER 338: Tuesday, December 5, 2006

We went for dinner tonight with Robin and our friend Doug. We decided to go to the IRON HORSE INN for dinner (and to pick up some wine we bought at the last wine dinner). Doug had never eaten there, so we were excited to introduce him to one of our favorite places.

Dinner included Lobster Bisque and their “Stuffed Risotto”, and Wendy & I split a piece of their bread pudding.

After dinner, we all went to Garden Ridge to get a new Christmas tree. We wanted a fake one that was pre-lit and looked better than my old fake tree (think wire hangers with a few pieces of green plastic). We found one and got it home easily. It was remarkably simple to get it set up, too, much to the delight of our cats. The still-unnamed Little White Cat had never seen a Christmas tree (this being his first Christmas) and was delighted to play under, around, and in the tree.

We completely forgot to pick up the wine, too.



Currently reading ONLY REVOLUTIONS by Mark Z. Danielewski, the author of the very-weird and much-enjoyed House of Leaves. This book is more challenging than House of Leaves and I am not immediately enjoying it as much. However, I will stick with it. If you’re interested…