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DINNER 349: Saturday, December 16, 2006

DINNER 349: Saturday, December 16, 2006

Tonight was the annual Over The Rhine Christmas concert at the Taft Theater in downtown Cincinnati. Wendy & I attended as guests of the band with our friends Brian & Milan. The four of us met for dinner at SHANGHAI MAMA’s, a few blocks up…

DINNER 348: Friday, December 15, 2006

DINNER 348: Friday, December 15, 2006

After a restless night, I stayed home from work today and just laid around. By the middle of the afternoon I was feeling well enough to try some food, and it managed to progress through in the normal fashion and in nearly a normal timeframe.…

DINNER 347: Thursday, December 14, 2006

DINNER 347: Thursday, December 14, 2006

Whew boy was I sick this evening. Around 1:30pm at my office, I really started feeling bad. My stomach was incredibly acid-y and I was VERY unhappy about it. I managed to hang in there for my two afternoon appointments, but left as soon as my last appointment was over. It’s a good thing I did, too… I no sooner made it home than everything that I’d eaten today …well… was returned. As much as I hate that style of delivery, I felt better after it.

That is, until I ate anything else. In this case (and I guess my entry for tonight’s dinner) it was crackers. Which were soon returned. So I stopped eating, probably a good call.

A dinner entry of three crackers? What is this experiement coming to?!

HAPPY MOUTH — December 2006

HAPPY MOUTH — December 2006

Tonight was Ed’s night to pick and he selected the CACTUS PEAR restaurant in Clifton. I joined the gang late because of a meeting so all I had to eat was a bowl of roasted potatoes. Seemed like everyone was having a blast and I…

DINNER 346: Wednesday, December 13, 2006

DINNER 346: Wednesday, December 13, 2006

     After work tonight, I headed over to Pho Paris restaurant because I’ve been invited to join the planning committee for the 7 Days for SIDS events that take place every June. Being invited to join the committee is very exciting for me. I’ve worked…

DINNER 345: Tuesday, December 12, 2006

DINNER 345: Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tonight, we had some kitchen-related stuff to do — Wendy baked a few cakes in preparation for upcoming events, and we made 6 pounds of chocolate bark (in addition to the three pounds we prepared yesterday).

I prepared a lovely pork tenderloin stuffed with proscuitto and rosemary and served it with pan-roasted brussels sprouts. A very tasty dinner!

DINNER 344: Monday, December 11, 2006

DINNER 344: Monday, December 11, 2006

We joined our friends Bob & Sharon for a comfortable meal at Outback Steakhouse, their pick. We really like Bob & Sharon. After our meal — I had the chopped blue cheese salad, steamed broccoli, and a 7-ounce filet — Wendy commented that they’re really…