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A Charity Worth Exploring

A Charity Worth Exploring

I have recently joined a charity called OJFC – ‘Old Jeans for Charity’. I don’t want to come across all Christian-like, but it does seem an excellent — and painless — way to help out needy children.



Things are finally getting back to normal around here. We just closed GILLIGAN’S ISLAND: THE MUSICAL that Wendy was in (she played Mary Ann) at Falcon Theater. It was a three weekend run and was sold out for half the run. Just like any show,…

Great Books Of Western Civilization Used To Accent Den

Great Books Of Western Civilization Used To Accent Den


Beautiful, hand-tooled, leather-bound copies of the greatest works of Western literature "really spiffed up" the den of Elaine Gadsen Monday.

"I just love the way the gold embossing on The Great Gatsby balances out that plainer-looking Dickens book on the end," Gadsen said. "And the bright red spine on that one by Faust really looks great over the couch." Gadsen has instructed her housekeeper to dust the books once a month.

HAPPY MOUTH — January, 2004

HAPPY MOUTH — January, 2004

For our first HAPPY MOUTH of 2004, the newly-engaged Kristy arranged for all of the “Mouthers” to meet at Pompillio’s in Newport, Kentucky. Pompillio’s was known for being the restaurant in the famous ‘toothpick scene’ of the 1988 movie Rain Man. Chuck, Ron, Tracy, Ted,…

Drew & Wendy — MARRIED!

Drew & Wendy — MARRIED!

Well, the secret is out… After careful planning and admirable secrecy by the few persons ‘in the know’, it has finally happened. In a surprise ceremony witnessed by family and a small circle of friends, Drew and Wendy got married on December 31, 2003 —…

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from Phoebe!

Santa Clause is coming. Oh yes. Santa Clause is coming!

Happy Festivus, Everyone!

Happy Festivus, Everyone!

As some of you know, Festivus — celebrated on Dec. 23 — is the holiest day in the "Seinfeld" religion. And we’re not talking about Judaism. Festivus was started by Frank Costanza, George’s irritable father, as a protest against the commercialization of Christmas, and was…