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Why people get married…

Why people get married…

From the movie "Shall We Dance?" on why people get married: "Because we need a witness to our lives. There's a billion people on the planet. What does any one life really mean? In a marriage, you're promising to care about everything. The good things.…

MEXICO '04: We're home!

MEXICO '04: We're home!


Wishful Thinking!

Wishful Thinking!

Regular visitor to this site, Jo, sent these examples of "wishful thinking"… Thanks Jo!

Click either picture for a larger view in a new window.

Christopher Reeve: 1952-2004

Christopher Reeve: 1952-2004

By JIM FITZGERALD, Associated Press Writer MOUNT KISCO, N.Y. – “Superman” actor Christopher Reeve, who turned personal tragedy into a public crusade and from his wheelchair became the nation’s most recognizable spokesman for spinal cord research, has died. He was 52.

Thought for the Day…

Thought for the Day…

The trouble with a kitten is that When it grows up, it’s always a cat. — Ogden Nash

SnapStream Beyond TV 3.5 released!

SnapStream Beyond TV 3.5 released!

After a long development cycle, SnapStream released version 3.5 of their excellent Beyond TV product on Friday, October 8, 2004.


Beyond TV is software that turns your home PC into a personal video recorder (PVRpronounced “PEE-ver”, rhymes with ‘beaver’) that records your selected television/satellite/cable programs to your computer’s hard drive and plays them back at your convenience. You can schedule shows over the internet, mark commercials, record one show or the whole season, watch one recorded show while recording another, set ‘scouts’ to alert you when a show is on, and much more… If you install multiple tuner cards into your computer, you can record multiple shows at one time (all while watching another recording at the same time) — even on modest computer hardware.

is software that turns your home PC into a personal video recorder ( — ) that records your selected television/satellite/cable programs to your computer’s hard drive and plays them back at your convenience. You can schedule shows over the internet, mark commercials, record one show or the whole season, watch one recorded show while recording another, set ‘scouts’ to alert you when a show is on, and much more… If you install multiple tuner cards into your computer, you can record multiple shows at one time (all while watching another recording at the same time) — even on modest computer software that turns your home PC into a personal video recorder ( — ) that records your selected television/satellite/cable programs to your computer’s hard drive and plays them back at your convenience. You can schedule shows over the internet, mark commercials, record one show or the whole season, watch one recorded show while recording another, set ‘scouts’ to alert you when a show is on, and much more… If you install multiple tuner cards into your computer, you can record multiple shows at one time (all while watching another recording at the same time) — even on modest computer hardware.
Blogger Boobie-Thon… Show 'em for charity

Blogger Boobie-Thon… Show 'em for charity

In an effort to raise money for the Susan G. Komen Foundation to fight breast cancer, the fine folks over at Boobie-Thon have launched their third-annual ‘blogger boobie-thon’ which raises lettuce by showing melons, so to speak.   For more information on their 2003 event which…