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Recently, The Iron Horse Inn started offering Sunday brunch, from 10a-3p (reservations encouraged but not required). Wendy and I stopped by last Sunday and really enjoyed the selections from Chef Jackson Rouse and crew. They have a varied brunch menu, including a quiche of the…

Persistence Pays Off

Persistence Pays Off

Thank you all for being such a persistent bunch! Several of you asked for more information about the examination I took last Saturday, my menu, and some particulars. I am flattered by the interest. Here you go… My menu: Sauce Veloute (Chicken Stock) Sauce Espagnole…

Andrew Vogel, CCC

Andrew Vogel, CCC

I passed my American Culinary Federation Certified Chef de Cuisine (CCC) examination in an intense 3-hour practical examination today (after previously completing a paper exam and three 8-hour refresher courses)!

Tonight, Wendy and I celebrate!

(And today is Achilles’ 3rd birthday, so happy birthday to the rat-bat-bunny-cat!)

Welcome Achilles!

Welcome Achilles!

In the late days of February 2011, the lack of a cat, specifically a Siamese cat, weighed on Wendy and me enough that Wendy started casting about for a Siamese. Not to take the place of Akhenaten, which can never happen, but to bring their…

Bean, RIP – Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bean, RIP – Sunday, February 6, 2011

On Sunday, February 6, 2011, right around 10:33pm, our dear sweet old Bean dog took her last breath in this world. Bean had battled spleen cancer in August 2010 and beat it (with spleen removal and chemotherapy). However, not long after that, Wendy found a…

Akhenaten, RIP – Tuesday January 18, 2011

Akhenaten, RIP – Tuesday January 18, 2011

Wendy & I put Akhenaten to sleep on Tuesday, January 18, 2011 around 9:30p. He went peacefully at home, surrounded by his family, human and animal. We are extremely sad to lose this wonderful cat.

He left tiny paw prints on our hearts.

Another Akhenaten Update

Another Akhenaten Update

Some very bad news about Akhenaten, our wonderful little Siamese cat. His kidneys have failed. Wendy has been hydrating him with Lactated Ringer’s a couple times a day, but we’re not keeping up. Akhenaten is dying. And quickly. The feeling is that tonight, Tuesday January…