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DINNER 17: Tuesday, January 17, 2006

DINNER 17: Tuesday, January 17, 2006

It was a very simple meal for me last night. Wendy had an appointment after work so I was on my own for dinner. Not wanting to eat the left-over’s from the previous night without Wendy, I prepared a couple cheese quesadillas along with a…

DINNER 16: Monday, January 16, 2006

DINNER 16: Monday, January 16, 2006

Since I had the day off for MLK day, I cooked a pretty nice dinner for us. Here’s what I prepared: Roasted Beef Tenderloin with Caramelized Shallots & Red Wine Parslied Potato Puree Broccoli with Black Olives, Lemon, and Garlic We drank a nice Cabernet…

DINNER 15: Sunday, January 15, 2006

DINNER 15: Sunday, January 15, 2006

This evening, Wendy & I met Ted, Ginny, and Arthur at Pompilio’s in Newport Kentucky to celebrate Arthur’s birthday. Pompilio’s is a well-known institution in the city, specializing in southern Italian cooking and red sauce.

We enjoyed our meals very much — Drew got tortellini with meatballs and Wendy got cheese ravioli with meatballs, and we both had salads as well.

It was a nice evening. Happy birthday, Arthur!

DINNER 14: Saturday, January 14, 2006 — Jean-Robert at Pigall's

DINNER 14: Saturday, January 14, 2006 — Jean-Robert at Pigall's

On Saturday, January 14, 2006, Milan, Brian, Tracy, Ted, Wendy, and Drew dined at the best restaurant in Cincinnati, the incomparable Jean-Robert at Pigall’s. Our reservations were for 6:00, but we’d decided to meet at 5:30 to have a drink in Pigall’s intimate bar. We…

Guild Wars: Factions PvP Weekend Jan 20-22, 2006

Guild Wars: Factions PvP Weekend Jan 20-22, 2006

Guild Wars: Factions Global Free-For-All PvP Weekend Event The Guild Wars Team would like to invite gamers everywhere to join us on the weekend of January 20th for a Guild Wars: Factions Global Free-For-All PvP Weekend Event! This event will take place on the Battle…

DINNER 13: Friday, January 13, 2006

DINNER 13: Friday, January 13, 2006

This evening was our monthly Happy Mouth Supper club outing. To view the article, please go here.

HAPPY MOUTH — January 13, 2006

HAPPY MOUTH — January 13, 2006

On Friday, January 13 (Friday the 13th!), the HAPPY MOUTH SUPPER CLUB met at Biagio’s Bistro in Clifton for our monthly outing, which was Kristy’s selection. Robin, Dave, Chuck, Kristy, Holly, Ron, John, Paul (John’s guest), Angel, Ted, Tracy, Wendy, and Drew crowded into a…