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THE MYSTERY OF IRMA VEP, the hilarious two-man show by Charles Ludlum, opens at Falcon Theater on Friday, February 10, 2006. It runs Friday & Saturday nights through February 25, 2006. From the website: “This fast-paced and funny play is a spoof of Victorian melodrama,…

DINNER 38: Tuesday, February 7, 2006

DINNER 38: Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Tonight, I ate at the house again, since Wendy is preparing for IRMA VEP at Falcon Theater and won’t be home until quite late. My Snak Master is much older than the one in this picture. As we were cleaning in the basement, I came across…

DINNER 37: Monday, February 6, 2006

DINNER 37: Monday, February 6, 2006

Since Wendy is working hard on the backstage aspects of IRMA VEP at Falcon Theater which opens this weekend, I was on my own this evening for dinner. I decided to stay at home and work on a few projects I’ve got going on, so it was a simple dinner of Chef Boyardee‘s Mini Bites Ravioli with Mini-Meatballs.

Manga Contest Results at Worth1000.COM

Manga Contest Results at Worth1000.COM

The folks over at Worth1000.COM, a website where artists can compete on a variety of themes, have posted the results of their “Reality Manga 2” contest — which asks what the world would look like if Japanese cartoons were actually realistic. Some of the results…

DINNER 36: Sunday, February 5, 2006

DINNER 36: Sunday, February 5, 2006

It was SUPER BOWL night and Holly & Ed generously hosted a party at their house. Dinner consisted of beer, freshly-prepared chicken wings, pizza rolls, chips & salsa, and Skyline dip. It was a nice time spent with our friends and the food was good. Congratulations…

New addition to the brood: Little White Cat

New addition to the brood: Little White Cat

As you may have noticed from some of the posts, we’ve added another castmember to our bumbling little circus here at the house. The newest is an as-yet-unnamed Little White Cat. He’s about 4 months old and showed up on the doorstep of a friend of Wendy’s mother, who brought it to Wendy’s hospital where she neutered & front-declawed him. I met the cat a few days later at the hospital and really liked him. Wendy & I discussed it and decided to add him, which we did on January 30, 2006.

Little White Cat

We sequestered him in our guest room to allow him to get comfortable with the sounds, smells, and routine of the house before introducing him to the general population. I spent a lot of time in there with him, trying to help him feel comfortable. I probably didn’t need to worry too much — this is one laid-back cat. One very cute trait that he’s demonstrated is that when he’s very comfortable, he nurses his back toe.

He’s been permitted to creep around the house when we’re home, and the reaction from the other inmates is as expected: Dolly & Bean want to smell his ass, Ringo is accepting and kind to him, Oliver is HORRIFIED, Mr. Face ignores him completely, and Merrick puffs up and hisses — quite fiercely — but he’s all talk.

Since he’s just a kitten, he’s got periods of wildness (last night being the first night we were going to leave him in general population, but the constant running and biting of Wendy’s hair as she tried to sleep got him locked back up in solitary around 1:30am).

As I type this, he’s sitting on our cat tree, blissfully and calmly looking down on Dolly & Bean who enjoy smelling his ass.

DINNER 35: Saturday, February 4, 2006

DINNER 35: Saturday, February 4, 2006

This evening, we went to dinner with our friends Ed & Holly to Nick’s Chops & Chasers, where we enjoyed our appetizer of stuffed mushrooms, our soups & salads, and thick, boneless, and well-prepared pork chops prepared a variety of ways (Jack Daniel’s glazed, garlic & onion,…