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DINNER 79: Monday, March 20, 2006

DINNER 79: Monday, March 20, 2006

I took a couple hours of vacation from work today to go home and work on my show a bit before tonight’s rehearsal. I got very involved with the music selection, acquisition, and editing process and ran out of time for dinner, so I grabbed…

DINNER 78: Sunday, March 19, 2006

DINNER 78: Sunday, March 19, 2006

Tonight was a low-key dinner with Robin & Dave (our go-to friends!) at Fuddrucker’s, where we ordered burgers and fries, a fruit cup (they were out), shakes (the machine wasn’t working), and Diet Coke (they were out). Robin’s sandwich came without fries and was incorrect…

DINNER 77: Saturday, March 18, 2006

DINNER 77: Saturday, March 18, 2006

Tonight was a surprise birthday party for our friend Dave’s 40th. Wendy & I met Ed & Holly (and Piper & Colin!) at Dave’s house at 3:30 to decorate and get ready. While the girls were decorating (and Colin sleeping), Ed blew up balloons and I worked in the kitchen getting simple party foods ready: bacon-wrapped dates, taco pie, crab dip, and a Diplomat Cake to go along with the pretty pink cake that Holly brought. The surprise was a huge success — Dave was totally beside himself.

Reading: Legacies

Reading: Legacies

I finished THE TOMB and started right in on LEGACIES, also by F. Paul Wilson. This is book two of the Repairman Jack series. I enjoyed THE TOMB quite a bit and am looking forward to digging into LEGACIES.

DINNER 76: Friday, March 17, 2006

DINNER 76: Friday, March 17, 2006

We were home this evening, cooking up a storm, so it was a simple dinner of store-bought frozen pizza (Red Baron) while we worked. Nothing special, but the pizza was tasty (though I wish we’d ignored the instruction to put the pizza on a preheated…

DINNER 75: Thursday, March 16, 2006

DINNER 75: Thursday, March 16, 2006

Wendy had a last-minute surgery that came into her hospital right at closing time, so she was late in getting home this evening. We ended up eating at the Cracker Barrel for a late dinner. I had their turkey & dressing, with corn, and their roasted apples. The dressing was dried out and fairly nasty but everything else was decent.

Reading: The Tomb

Reading: The Tomb

I forgot to update the site with the book I’m currently reading. Thanks to Doug for turning me on to this series. I may actually finish it today while I wait for my car’s oil to be changed. The author’s website is here.    Â