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Really… You suck at phishing! Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]
Social Media… Decide what you are! Until then, I picture you as a herd of techies chasing after the next big thing, kind of like watching 5-year old children play soccer… Instead of name-dropping, now the thing to “drop” at parties is your access to the hot new social-media-wunderkind-of-the-week. Yawn. […]
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You know Amazon Appstore for Android says “Get a great paid app for free every day”? Remember when the daily giveaway had useful applications and not just shitty games and useless clutterware? Yeah, me neither. 🙁 Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]
It’s been quiet around DrewVogel.COM for far too long. Seems the more full my life gets, the less time I have to blog about it! Still doing the usual stuff… work, teaching at the culinary college, restaurant stuff, working culinary events around the city, and more. As mentioned, things are […]
Ah, Spring. How I’ve missed you… Sort of. After the non-winter we had in Cincinnati this year, the weather resembles just a longer, slightly-warmer winter. However, it’s easy to tell that Spring is in the air… My allergies, dormant much of the winter, are starting to wake up and react […]
Congratulations to Wendy who participated in the Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon 2012 on Sunday, May 6. For a variety of reasons, she wasn’t planning on participating this year, but at the last moment, my company’s relay team needed a replacement. I mentioned that to Wendy, and she jumped at the […]
Sunday, 5/20/2012 was a very sad day at the Vogel household. On Sunday evening, we reluctantly bid farewell to Merrick, a cat who was Wendy’s “perfect, precious angel boy”. Merrick was 16 years old, and one of the original “Wendy Trio” that came with her into our relationship, along with […] Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]
“Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.” –Unknown Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]
From WILD FOOD FROM LAND AND SEA, by Marco Pierre White: “A young female food writer once asked why chefs couldn’t cook a nice plain piece of grilled fish. Well, we can and we do, but we have to dress it up for our customers. No one would be happy […]
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Autumn is my favorite time of year… I love waking up to a chilly & foggy morning. The brisk air making easy the choice to wear a jacket during my commute to work. The jacket comes into my office with me, then it’s a lunch-time decision to wear it or […]
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Congratulations to Chef and all my colleagues at Jean-Robert’s Table for topping the 2012 Zagat List in Cincinnati! Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]
snow can eat my shizzle. snow can whip my mizzle. snow can lick my nozzle. snow can flog my pizzle. snow can facilitate my hozzle. snow can masticate my blozzgle. snow can percolate my dozzle. I only wish that it would. Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]
Not Safe For Work (NSFW): Gordon Ramsay on how to treat a lady. Share:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestRedditLike this:Like […]
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I found this article in the New York Times very interesting. Rather than tolerate diners snapping pictures of their food — even ‘subtly’ — and disturbing other guests, some restaurants are strongly discouraging food photos (even without flash) in the dining room (David Bouley invites the photobugs back to the […]
Introducing the unofficial Culinary Institute (eGCI) Evernote Notebook! As a culinary professional, Drew Vogel ( was very interested in working through the articles and discussions in eGullet’s Culinary Institute (, and was interested in using Evernote for offline access to that material. And so, the unofficial eGCI Evernote Notebook […]