October Project at Bogarts, Cincinnati Ohio, April 5, 1996
This is a review of the April 5, 1996 concert given by OCTOBER PROJECT at Bogarts in Cincinnati Ohio. LONG (and how!)
May The Stars Light Your Way
This is a review of the April 5, 1996 concert given by OCTOBER PROJECT at Bogarts in Cincinnati Ohio. LONG (and how!)
The website for the Over The Rhine Tribute CD, “What It Takes To Please You”, is at www.drewvogel.com/whatittakestopleaseyou.html.
Hey all you Over The Rhine Tribute CD players and pals!
We’ve been busy with the Tribute CD project.
If you haven’t heard, the official name of the project is “What It Takes To Please You — A Tribute To Over The Rhine”. The website, the best source of up-to-date information, is https://drewvogel.com/whatittakestopleaseyou.html.
We wanted to update you on what we’ve been doing. The following items are in-process or done:
* Essay (it’s really good!) from Lindsey for the booklet.
* Met with the generous and talented Michael Wilson to choose photographs/artwork.
* Finalize/approve design on booklet. (the artwork that’s on the website is not current — we want to keep the new design a secret for now!)
* Secure rights for the music (Bruce is swimming in this stream!).
* Design/approve marketing/pre-order materials. Look for them soon!
The following items are still ahead of us, or are just beginning:
* Media awareness.
* Final selection of charity/charities to benefit from the project.
* Secure goods & services (paper, pre-press, printing, duplicating, mastering). This is a big one, but a plan is in place. No shoe leather, yet.
* Collect information from contributors & incorporate into booklet.
* Finalize track selection/order.
* Determine final selling price.
Here’s where it comes back to you: If you are planning to contribute a track, be aware that the final, absolute, ‘forgeddaboudit’ deadline is Friday, 23-February-2001. This is a slight extension from what had been posted on the website.
If you’ve claimed a track and have not yet submitted it, DO IT NOW! Contact Drew (drew@drewvogel.com) for some very important information if you still haven’t submitted. If you previously claimed a track and decided not to contribute, please let Drew know.
We’re looking good for an March/April release. We’re striving to get the project out around the same time as the release of “Films For Radio”.
bruce and drew
(tell me this welcome peace isn’t dancing with the ghost of future tears)
(this email is bulk-sent to those that identified themselves as participants in the Over the Rhine Tribute CD project. if you do not wish to receive future mailings, please reply with “UNSUBSCRIBE” in the subject of your email. you may complain bitterly in the body of your email.)
Hey all you Over The Rhine Tribute CD players and pals! This message was originally sent to my distribution list of Tribute CD folks. If you didn’t get it then, I DO NOT have a current email address for you. You need to get that…
It’s been quiet as far as you know, but behind the scenes, things have been moving forward on the Tribute CD project. Check the website, https://drewvogel.com/whatittakestopleaseyou.html, for the most current, up-to-date information on the project. The artwork is basically done. Linford saw the art for…
“WHAT IT TAKES TO PLEASE YOU”, the Over the Rhine Tribute CD project, is in its final phase.We’ve secured a printer for the project and will be working during the next few weeks to get things finalized and prepare for sale of these CDs. Check the website for more information.
Hello Tribute CD Players and Pals! This message was originally sent to my distribution list of Tribute CD folks. If you didn’t get it, then I DO NOT have a current email address for you. You need to get that information to me ASAP! If…