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A Love Story

A Love Story

I shall seek and find you… I shall take you to bed and have my way with you… I will make you ache, shake, and sweat. You will moan and groan. I will make you beg for mercy-beg for me to stop. I will exhaust…

Our dinner on Saturday — a hearty winter menu

Our dinner on Saturday — a hearty winter menu

On Saturday, December 4, 2004, Wendy & I hosted a few people for a ‘let’s roll into the holidays’ dinner at our house.



This amusing graphic bug was discovered in VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE — BLOODLINES, a recently-released computer game.

Click picture for a larger view in a new window.

HAPPY MOUTH — November 2004

HAPPY MOUTH — November 2004

On November 17th, a group of us (Wendy, Ted, Jay, John, Wendy B, Holly, Ron, Tracy, and Drew) met for the monthly HAPPY MOUTH outing. This month was Ron’s first chance to select the restaurant, and he chose UPSTAR CROW near Newport on the Levee.…

Conversation with a Friend

Conversation with a Friend

[10:24] NICKI:: You weren’t in Philadelphia yesterday, were you? [10:25] DREW:: Well, not ‘officially’. [10:25] NICKI:: Snicker. [10:25] DREW:: Did you see me? [10:25] NICKI:: I was sure I heard them announce your name over the speakers at the airport. [10:25] DREW:: Airports tend to…

HAPPY MOUTH — October 2004

HAPPY MOUTH — October 2004

October’s Happy Mouth event was a great deal of fun. A bunch of us went to A Fusion Cafe at Cincinnati Mills for dinner.

The food was great — we dined on sushi and other Asian-influenced dishes, all of which were quite tasty.

A good time was had by all!

Top 10 Signs You Need to Practice Better Buoyancy Control

Top 10 Signs You Need to Practice Better Buoyancy Control

From the users of #10: You rely on the silt trail you always stir up to find the anchor line. #9: You never use fins because it makes it more difficult to walk on the bottom. #8: The only place you can hover is…