The system upgrades, patches, and backups are complete. Should be smooth sailing from now on! Thanks again to Gregor and the guys for helping me fix an email problem that was preventing email from originating from this system, which also meant that users couldn't receive…

LANGLEY: Separated at Birth?

LANGLEY: Separated at Birth?

Samuel Pierpont Langley Langley was an assistant observer at Harvard College Observatory from 1865-66 (under the directorship of Joseph Winlock). Together with Austin, Peirce, Searle and Winlock he observed nebulae with the 15" f/18 Merz-refractor installed in June 1847 (see picture). The results are published…

UPGRADED News module added to the site — pnNewsX 1.6

UPGRADED News module added to the site — pnNewsX 1.6

Today, I added pnNewsX 1.6 to the site. This adds a couple of neat features, but the main change that users will notice is at the bottom of the site's front page. If you go to the very bottom of the site's front page, you'll…

HAPPY MOUTH — January 2003

HAPPY MOUTH — January 2003

Last night, the Happy Mouth Supper Club met for our January outing. This time, it was Kristy’s turn to pick, and she selected Encore Cafe’, one of Paul & Pam Sturkey’s restaurants.

BRRR! Cold around here!

BRRR! Cold around here!

Yes, it’s brutally cold in Cincinnati this year. This is one of the coldest winters in recent memory. Wendy & I noticed that our bedroom was especially cold.

Illuzzio, or A Man's Best Servant Is Himself!

Illuzzio, or A Man's Best Servant Is Himself!

Is shameless self-promotion acceptable? Only the admin knows for sure… "Illuzzio" a new musical farce by Nicholas Korn and Allen Lindsey (that would be me) opens February 6th at the Aronoff Center's 5/3rd Bank Theatre…



I've added a new feature to the site… a Guestbook. This Guestbook module, version 1.00, is from Many users have requested this feature, so it was added! Please check it out!