20 Years!?

My calendar reminded me today that my first post on DrewVogel.COM was 20 years ago today… While I’d been writing online for some time before that, this article from April 6, 1996 was the first on this domain name.
While I don’t blog here much anymore, or at all for that matter, I still keep this site up and open because of its history. And it is still significant to me personally. There are many accomplishments documented herein, milestones along my path. I’m glad this site holds them all.
So many changes, challenges, and opportunities occurred in these last 20 years. The adventure is never as I expected, and always bolder and more exciting than I ever imagined.
Gettin’ old, Chef. Not that I’m one to talk, since I think we’re about the same age, but whatever. Congrats on your blog’s longevity.