Google Voice Transcription
I miss the free service of Jott. I appreciated the ability provided by Jott to call a number and quickly leave myself a message, which was transcribed and sent on to my email address. Using Jott, I could record flashes of brilliance (if I do say so myself) whenever they hit me, knowing that they’d be waiting whenever I checked email. Also, if the transcription wasn’t very good, the original audio recording was available to listen to.
Google Voice provides a great, free solution that enables me to leave Jott-like messages for myself, receive an SMS with the transcription, and receive the transcription via email. And the original audio is available if I need it.
All it takes is a little bit of configuration.
I didn’t want all my destination phones (work, home, etc) ringing when I called myself to leave a Jott-like message (I frequently leave myself messages for transcription on my way to the office, when my wife is still sleeping at home). So, here’s what I did:
In Google Voice:
Settings->Phones->Edit Cell Phone->Show Advanced Settings
- Voicemail access: No
- (click "Save")
Settings->Voicemail & SMS
- Voicemail Greeting: Record New & called it "Jott". Said something like "Leave a message for transcription".
Contacts->(my personal contact record – the one with my cell number associated)->Edit->Edit Google Voice Settings
When this contact calls you:
- Select "Ring my" and UNCHECK all the sub-options
- "When this contact goes to voicemail", play the "Jott" recording created above
- (click "Save")
In Outlook:
Tools->Rules and Alerts…->New Rule
- From People or Distribution list (select
- Assign it to the Personal category
- Mark it as High Importance
- Show a Desktop Alert
This way, I can call my Google Voice number from my cell phone to leave myself a Jott-like message (which is transcribed and emailed to me!) without disturbing my wife at home or ringing my office phone. The Outlook side of things makes sure I am notified of the transcription.
Please let me know of any questions.
Very helpful, Thank you
You totally lost me at the contacts part. Can you please me clearer or more specific because i am not able to see/do what you are doing at the point where you start with “contacts”
Thank you SO much. I’ve been trying to get this to work properly for a week, unsuccessfully– until now.