Over The Rhine Tribute CD Money DONATED!
Today, Bruce Lachey & Drew Vogel, coordinators of the Over The Rhine Tribute CD project, visited the offices of Cincinnati Community Shares to drop off the first installment of contributions generated by sales of WHAT IT TAKES TO PLEASE YOU, a Tribute to Over The Rhine.

They met with Mary McCoy, the Executive Director of Cincinnati Community Shares to present the check for $1200.00.

WHAT IT TAKES TO PLEASE YOU is a 22 song, two-CD collection of Over The Rhine songs performed by musicians from 11 different states.

The CD is available online at www.drewvogel.com, and at retailers in the Cincinnati Ohio area. The cost is $15, and shipping is included.
More information about the CD is available at the project’s website, www.drewvogel.com/whatittakestopleaseyou.php. Information about Cincinnati Community Shares is available from www.cintishares.com. The website for the band Over The Rhine is at www.overtherhine.com.