Tribute CD Update June 28, 2001
Hello Tribute CD Players and Pals!
This message was originally sent to my distribution list of Tribute CD folks. If you didn’t get it, then I DO NOT have a current email address for you. You need to get that information to me ASAP!
If you haven’t heard, the official name of the project is “What It Takes To Please You — A Tribute To Over The Rhine”. The website, the best source of up-to-date information, is
NOW THE NEWS… We’re in the home stretch of the project. Here’s what’s left to do:
And that we’re waiting for the following things to happen:
* Couple more pieces of text need to be written and added to the booklet
* Need to get DAT submissions ripped to CD
* DAT submissions need to be mastered into the project
* Ordering the dual-CD jewel cases
* Finalizing track order (what song goes in what order on what CD)
* Designing the printing that will go on the actual CDs and getting that done
* Complete the printing/binding of the booklet and tray liner
* Paying the royalties
Some of these things are under my control, some under Bruce’s, some are inter-connected.
None of these items are going to be lengthy, time-wise… Assuming that Drew’s schedule and Bruce’s schedule mesh, we’ll be meeting this weekend or early next week to finish these items.
ALSO IN THE NEWS… I need a mailing address for ONE person from each submission. Please send the following information:
* Name of Submitted Track (case-sensitive — the way you type it here is how it will appear on the track listing. For example,)
What I envision happening is this:
* We’ll get our end in order — finish mastering and begin duping the CDs.
* We’ll open for pre-orders to collect money so we can…
* …pay the royalties and…
* …begin shipping product to our eager customers.
Bruce & Drew
(lost & lovely)
(this email is bulk-sent to those that identified themselves as interested in the Over the Rhine Tribute CD project. if you do not wish to receive future mailings, please reply with “UNSUBSCRIBE” in the subject of your email. you may complain bitterly in the body of your email.)