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DINNER 103: Thursday, April 13, 2006

DINNER 103: Thursday, April 13, 2006

Wendy had rehearsal tonight and I was looking forward to a nice quiet night at home after getting a burr haircut (which Wendy hates) to celebrate the warmer weather. I spent some time entering recipes into Accuchef, the recipe manager software I use, and organizing…

Happy Birthday, Jo!

Happy Birthday, Jo!

Our friend Jo’s birthday is this week. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Jo! Click image for a larger view in a new window.

DINNER 102: Wednesday, April 12, 2006

DINNER 102: Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Tonight, I went up to Dayton (about an hour north of our house) to Books & Co., a great bookstore, for the booksigning stop on the tour of Christopher Moore. His new book, A DIRTY JOB, continues his tradition of wry, funny books with a considerable twisted streak.

He talked for about an hour, offering comments on everything from his book’s first week on the New York Times Booklist to skanky hos, politics, the television show he is or is not working on, the cell phone dance party craze, TV show LOST (he’d have opened the damned hatch in the first episode!), pharmaceuticals, hospice, his wife-like girlfriend, religion, death, and the loss of loved ones. He took a few questions from the crowd of about 70 people, and then signed books. I found him to be witty, literate, and well-spoken. Seems like a nice guy — a real ‘beta male‘ (read the book).

At the event, they gave away a few t-shirts. I was lucky enough to win one, but cannot wear it since it really, truly seems to be a LARGE t-shirt… A CHILD’S large. I gave it to Wendy; she said she can wear it once — after washing, she doesn’t think it’ll fit anymore. They really are THAT small. A nice additional surprise — I met a couple of fans of Firefly who recognized my name when it was called for the t-shirt.

Click picture for a larger view.

Here is a picture from the event, with Christopher Moore and the teeny-tiny t-shirt.

Before the event, I had a Rice Krispy Treat (about 3 feet tall!) and a root beer to tide me over. On the way home, I stopped at McDonald’s for a double cheeseburger, which I ate in the car.

Also, when reading FLUKE: Or, I Know Why The Winged Whale Sings, I found a small technical error in the book — in it, a character instructs another character to drop a scuba tank and ‘first stage‘ (the apparatus that connects the air tank to your mouth) into the water, to be assembled by a character who is submerged. However, there is a component on the first stage that cannot get wet (it’s funny to me that an integral part of scuba gear cannot get wet). Christopher said that of all the divers that have read that book that I was the only one who mentioned the error to him!

DINNER 101: Tuesday, April 11, 2006

DINNER 101: Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Wendy had rehearsal tonight, so I thought I would spend some time preparing for the upcoming hardware upgrade to my PVR by updating the BIOS on the motherboard (Shuttle AK38N v1.1) and re-configuring my Beyond TV channel setup. The BIOS is the Basic Input/Output System…

DINNER 100: Monday, April 10, 2006

DINNER 100: Monday, April 10, 2006

DINNER 100! We’ve made it this far in this crazy, stupid experiment! Given the milestone status of this dinner, I wish it was something more exciting than what it was. My stomach wasn’t feeling very well tonight, so I ate a banana. That’s it.

Carlinism of the Day

Carlinism of the Day

Eye Blaster: Get One Now

Are your eyes dry and itchy? It’s possible you may have dry, itchy eyes. Don’t take a chance. Call now for the Eye Blaster, a special, self-powered unit that blasts hot, refreshing steam directly into the eyes to relieve symptoms fast. Just plug in the Eye Blaster and wait forty-five minutes for full heat and steam pressure to build up. Then blast the scalding hot steam directly into your eyes for thirty to forty minutes. Submerge your head immediately in ice water for fifteen minutes, then repeat the steam treatment. Repeat these steps seven times and then take a breather. Do not use more than fifteen times in one twenty-four-hour period. Children under five should not use Eye Blaster unsupervised. When using on pets, tie pet to a chair before blasting. Safe for old people. Doctor approved, but not eye doctors.

Call now.

DINNER 99: Sunday, April 9, 2006

DINNER 99: Sunday, April 9, 2006

After closing night of DINNER WITH FRIENDS, we all went out for drinks and merriment. Wendy & I got to bed around 2:00am. It seemed as if I’d just laid my head down and closed my eyes when suddenly it was 9:45am, time to get up…