Vacation beckons!
Just so you know: I will be out on vacation from July 6-16, 2001. No updates or replies to emails during that time. Hang in there; I’ll get caught up when I get back!
May The Stars Light Your Way
Just so you know: I will be out on vacation from July 6-16, 2001. No updates or replies to emails during that time. Hang in there; I’ll get caught up when I get back!
I’m back from vacation! Expect some more development on this site, and perhaps even something new (think ‘new site’), now that my Linux box is online at home. Special thanks to Civilme from Mandrake and Garrett from Pengiun Computing for their help on getting the…
This system is now running off my home machine. It wasn’t too big a job to get it going, but I’m certain that there are still some bugs to work out before it’s 100%. Please bear with me! This site is running off one of…
I have just installed version 5.01 of PHP-Nuke. This version fixes some small bugs, and speeds up the sending of pages. Additionally, I have enabled output compression (using GZIP/zlib) on the server side, which should eek a little more speed out of transfers as well,…
We’ve connected to a couple of news sites (currently Digital Theatre, SlashDot, and FreshMeat) to provide additional content in the form of headlines for the site. Look to the right side-menu to see headlines from these sources, which are updated every 30 minutes (Digital Theatre…
In my hot little hands (well, actually, next to them so I can type) is the first complete Over The Rhine Tribute CD — “What It Takes To Please You”. The booklet and tray card for the CD are completed and have arrived. They look…
I am working to transfer the domain name DREWVOGEL.COM to my home computer using TZO.COM. This will increase the speed of the system quite a bit, and allow me to learn more about the inner workings as well. Please bear with me during this move…