Tribute CD Update April 30, 2001
It’s been quiet as far as you know, but behind the scenes, things have been moving forward on the Tribute CD project. Check the website,, for the most current, up-to-date information on the project.
The artwork is basically done. Linford saw the art for the CD booklet, promo mailer, beg sheets, and supporting materials and loved it. Bruce and Drew are working to find a printer that is willing to donate services (scanning, separating, films, printing, etc) or to offer them at a reduced cost, so that the preparation and duplication of the artwork/booklet doesn’t cost so much money…
We had about 20 song submissions, I think. FAR too many for one CD of any quality. So, we’re considering the options. To some extent, we’re a victim of the success of the project. Bruce and Drew are meeting this week to determine the best way to move forward.
One option is a two-disc set, perhaps with cheaper packaging materials (no plastic jewel case; use cardboard instead, etc.).
Another option is to cut some songs. Neither Bruce nor Drew WANT to do that, if at all possible. But it is an option.
One more option is Volume 1 and Volume 2. We’ll see…
Beyond that, there is the question of royalties for the songs. See, music isn’t free, and you can’t just record someone else’s song and release it. Just to USE these songs on the CD costs money up front, whether or not we sell one single unit. Bruce and Drew decided that the artists on the Tribute CD should NOT have to pay these royalties and that they (Bruce and Drew) would pay them out-of-pocket for the project. Well, that’s over $700, and that money hasn’t exactly been growing on trees…
Also, there is the expense of mastering the project. We’re working with a gentleman who will master the project for us, but there is a travel expense as well as that individual’s charge to consider…
Know this, folks… Bruce and Drew want more than anything to see this project COMPLETE. It’s on track, but the forward motion has slowed a bit. We’re within sight of being done and into production, just not there yet.
Bruce & Drew
(lost & lovely)
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